Ten Things I Hate About Hallowe'en
from lovehatethings Is it just me or does Hallowe’en seem more culturally devoid every year? I know. I get it. I’m kidless. And while baby goats shouldn’t be a consideration for one’s love or hate of Hallowe’en, I’m thinking back on my own childhood at memories of All Hallow’s Eves gone by and realizing that there really aren’t that many fond memories. I’m not saying I hated the event, in fact I remember, at the time, having a certain anticipatory delight in thinking up costumes and gathering free candy. I have come to grips with the fact that most of my early childhood will be shrouded in a glittery nostalgia with a soundtrack of AM pop rock. Quite simply, the costume/candy ritual was fun, but did not inspire near as many found remembrances as other holidays. Let’s take a sobering look at Hallowe’en: pre-pubescent, confused children try to hide behind dollar store Transformer masks as they threaten homeowners with vigila...