
Showing posts from 2009

Episode 63 - 2009: Dyscoveries and Dysasters

Find out why Anth is calling in from Phoenix, AZ. Our 2009 end of the year review where Mike and Anth dyscuss things not limited to: Good movies, bad movies, movies that brought in the bucks, new television shows, fond farewell shows, copyright consultations, ACTA, net neutrality, all things Microsoft, Apple and Google, some Facebook and Twitter thrown in for good measure. PLUS Websites of the Year Mike: Hootsuite for keeping his tweets on time and scheduled. Anth: IsoHunt for surviving a torrent of scrutiny and keeping up the good fight. PLUS A quick accounting of all the things that dystroyed pop culture this year.

Episode 62 - Starring Andrew's Cat as Feline Navidad

( direct link to mp3 ) Show Notes Thanks to special guest Diane Wild, whose work can be found at TV, EH? Full Dysclosure Avatar-ded: DRM blocks preview of Cameron’s new film Who’s creeping up in the Canuck cell wars? Everyone knows it’s WIND Mobile! (Andrew’s video coverage of the Toronto launch is here .) I Tweet, Therefore Iranian.Cyber.Army: Twitter gets taken down by hackers Share The Land – What Spins Around Like A Record, Comes Around Like In Court: Record labels may find themselves on the other end of a lawsuit …for once Share The Land – Brick & Mortar Record Store Gets Bricked By RCMP and CRIA:  Ottawa record store gets raided and takes it on the chin Hospitals Not Hailin’ Palin: Hospitals steer clear of ex-VP candidate as pressure mounts (update on last week’s story courtesy of Heather Gold) Facebook or Erasebook? New privacy settings (such as they are) come under attack; only real privacy is to leave service (even...

Episode 61 - Next Month the Olympics, This Week Gold

Thanks to Heather Gold whose work can be found at: – – Full Dysclosure CRTC tries to close down wireless competition and Tony Clement reverses the CRTC decision. Bell and Rogers take a hit on Clement’s decision. Copenhagen … is he related to Nina Hagen? Facebook starts messing with privacy settings and catches Zuckerberg off guard . Has Eric Schmidt been caught out on claims that nothing is private on the net? Mozilla rep. wants people to start using Bing after Schmidt’s privacy comments. Top iPhone apps in Canada for 2009… well… with Andrew’s Nokia picks thrown in. Movies an impromptu discussion on Sarah Palin coming to Hamilton, ON to discuss socialized medicine. WTF? Are you up for Avatar ? Movie studios claim record profits in 2009… wherefore evil piracy? Some of the box office numbers as they stand today. Facebook movie gets a release date . Are Sorkin and Fincher ...

Episode 60 - Possibly Pants and the Whisper Exchange

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Rogers launches Hulu clone and genetic drift is evident. Apple buys Lala , soon to buy Fa-lalalala-lala. Does “local tv matter” enough to you? The CRTC wants to Disqus it . Why SOCAN wants to keep a submission to a public forum a secret. Something’s poppin’ in the state of Denmark. Fair use challenge . Facebook messing around with networks raise pantless women’s ire. Edmonton to bid for Expo world’s fair… a why should we care. Websites of the Week Andrew – – getting your mobile social networking fix in Japanamation stylings. Anthony – – yet another way to combine all your social networking services to one website, including IMAP email. Mike – – make your family picture scream propagandized hope. Music Octoberman with “Thirty Reasons” from his CD Fortresses thanks to White Whale Records . @octoberman

DyscultureD Dyscussions - Graham Stark talks Desert Bus for Hope


Episode 59 - From Droid Porn To Toilet Humour

Episode 58 - Anth Hears Mike's TEDxcellent Adventure


Episode 57 - The Global Over-Arching Idiocy of Bureaucracy

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Is MS-Win7 really just OSX ? Could there be a MS Ducati 7 theme in your future? Are Canadian networks taking localtvmatters too far ? The Global Broadband Phenomena says P2P is dying off . Has Twitter become the new TV development tool ? Movies Anth goes to see 2012 . Here’s a low-cost movie marketing PR campaign: Bit Torrent! Will Calgary become a new Hollywood North … West… Central? Websites of the Week Mike – gets possessive with Jason – plays the Hollywood stock market with Anth – jolts our creativity with Brainstormer Music Thanks to for letting us share Little Girls ‘ Youth Tunes from the latest CD Concepts .

Episode 56 - ACTA's Got No Seoul

Show Notes Full Dysclosure As the iPhone goes cross-provider in Canada, what are the real costs of a 3 year contract ? HMV Digital comes to Canada – will it be a viable alternative to iTunes? Why is the Droid drawing people to line up in NYC? ACTA leaks spawn criticisms and fear of worldwide WIPO war . The Facebook movie – The Social Network shoots on campus. Television with Diane Wild ( @deekayw ) of ( @tv_eh ) The 24th Gemini Awards hits the Stampede next weekend. Local TV matters … but do we have to hear about it so much? Websites Jason – – an alternative to news readers Andrew – – sounds good to me Anthony – – publish online and share your ideas. with friends Music The Hidden Cameras from Toronto with In the NA (thanks to Arts & Crafts Records)

Episode 55 - Those Mayans, What Do They Know Anyway

Thanks to Jason Whyte from , Andrew Currie from , and Jason Finnerty for coming back for a second week in a row… yay Mike, we didn’t scare him away! Show Notes Full Dysclosure How much does Canada REALLY love the internet ? Are there some unforeseen dangers with new Twitter Lists? Does Facebook really care for your input on their TOS ? Is Steve Jobs trying to become the next Rupert Murdoch of publishing? How did Family Guy scare off Microsoft ? Would you get your computer serviced at Wal-Mart? Who kept Globalive out of Canada ? Are Canadian telcos too big? Movies Canadian films trend well at the box office. November film releases coming to a screen near you. Websites Andrew – – Toronto Pan-Asian sketch comedy troupe. Jason – – Figure out if something supposedly “viral” is worth your time. Mike – – Animated reimaginings of blockb...

Episode 54 - The Hilarious House of Finckenstein

( direct link to mp3 ) Show Notes Welcome Jason Finnerty @brandscaping of , and and Andrew Currie @acurrie whose aggregated work can be found at Full Dysclosure Windows 7 rolls out and usurps memories of Vista Apple rolls out a whack of new products to usurp memories of Windows 7 Google rolls out a bunch of new services to usurp memories of Apple hardware Bing and Google each strike deals with Facebook and Twitter Is Mozilla’s Raindrop the Wave Killer before Wave even becomes something worth killing? If Hulu will never get to Canada, do we care that the US has to pay for it? 49th Perpendicular Net Neutrality discussions north and south of the 49th parallel Mobile Mashup The new Droid phone … is this finally the winner for Android? Is Nokia’s Maemo phone a strong alternative? Symbian exec rips Android . Websites of the Week Jason – – stay hip wi...

Episode 53 - Endearing Indie Indeed!

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Anth and Mike ride the Google Wave… it’s still a lonely ride. Twitter Lists put an end to #followfriday Canada scraping the bottom of Broadband benchmarks Access Copyright Canada wants to turn fair dealing into a stacked deck Windows 7 on the horizon – waiting or worrying ? Television Web TV – Webisodes , Video Podcasts, is this the future of Television? Websites of the Week (iPhone App Version) Mike – Evernote, Bump, Tweetdeck Anth – ScoreMobile, VLCRemFree, RimShot Music Said The Whale – “The Gift of a Black Heart” from their new CD Islands Disappear

Episode 52 - Putting the Attitude in Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving Canada! Show Notes Full Dysclosure Don’t plan on starting you turkey cooking with “Kindle-ing” in Canada Michael Jackson sings from the grave Google Streetview comes to the Great White North The growing divide between the Apple and Google boards Musicians to have recall rights on their publishing ? Netflix boss calls the two-year death watch for DVD s Television CTV and Global Fall Seasons Websites of the Week Anth – – very cool content that will look better in your RSS feed than on the site Mike – – getting indie films and docs to your desktop Music Lovely Killbots with their track Crushed Orange Warrior from their cd Primrose Lane

Episode 51 - Brocktoberfest

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Are you cool enough to get invited to the Google Wave party . Will Apple try to force Google off the iPhone with Mac maps ? Is a new Hulu for magazines on the way? Canadian Comedy Awards hand out the hardware. The Ottawa Animation Festival comes out this week. Leo Laporte – the TWiT who became a millionaire . Television Letterman taps more than the late night ratings. Our Canadian television preview starts with CBC. Websites of the Week Cubeecraft – pop culture goes paper cubey. Odosketch – web art goes elegant retro. Music Bravestation – with their song “Southern Company”

Episode 50 - Go Straight to "L" Boys

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Are U Having a Windows 7 Party ? Archos 9 Tablet Drops for $499 Google Sidewiki’s Websites Google Docs is Back to School Ignore RIAA lawsuit for your best bargain on P2P Television The Season and Series Premiers keep rolling on. What did we watch? What did we think? Websites of the Week CTV’s Retro Minisodes – 6 minute retro television episodes that kick ass! Artwiculate – playing a Twitter word-of-the-day game. Music Alistair Blake Bundale – “Routine Things” – Facebook

Episode 49 - Montana Malden Michael Douglas Presto Frisco

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Will we see MSPhone or WinPhone or GatesPhone at CES 2010. Did Google’s dysclosure take a bite out of Apple . Microsoft doesn’t want to “Snow Leopard” kids. Students can get Windows 7 for $30 . FCC to propose Net Neutrality for American netizens. Brazil outlaws P2P programs for a VERY good reason… we just can’t know it. Television Emmy time – Will Dr. Horrible appear? Our weekly season and series premiere review. Websites of the Week – putting the fun and quirky in all your notepad needs – MYNA the new ONLINE audio editing software Music “Never Gonna Nadia” from Ottawa’s Bloomistry and their upcoming “To Be” CD

My Recommended Appleholics Anonymous Program

I’ll be your sponsor Mike… hell, I’m up late enough for a crisis of gadgetry even for left coasters… Twelve Steps of Appleholics Anonymous: Admit you are powerless over Apple—that your gadgets are unmanageably proprietary albeit sleek and sexy. Believe that a ubiquity greater than Mac could restore you to sanity. Decide to turn your purchasing and your devices over to the cause of ubiquity as you understand it. Make a searching and fearless inventory of your computer desks. Admit to yourself, and to everyone else you looked down your nose at, the exact nature of your wrongs. Be ready to have mixed platforms replace all your proprietary iDevices. Humbly ask John Hodgman to remove your shortcomings. Make a list of all persons you have snickered at for using their populist PCs, Microsoft products, Linux distros and Symbian phones, and be willing to make amends to them all. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would result in them...

Altering An Allegiance to Apple

It’s no secret I’ve been a big proponent of Apple since Anthony and I started DyscultureD – both the podcast and this blog. I’m a big fan of pretty much everything they do. So much so, I’m usually able to tolerate the little things that they do that are minor annoyances from time to time. But I’ve noticed that my loyalty is starting to waver. In that last paragraph alone, I used terms such as “pretty much”,”usually able to tolerate” and “little things that they do that are minor annoyances from time to time.” The problem is that the terms are quickly changing to “some of”,”getting weary” and “many things that they do that are becoming increasingly irritating on a regular basis.” Not good, Apple. There’s talk of a tablet, which may or not be true (more on Apple rumours in a future post), and I’m hoping that they don’t go that route. I want a netbook, not a ta...

How Patrick Swayze Cost Me My Job

( via lovehatethings ) I don’t think it’s uncommon for many teenagers to grow up thinking that a job in a music or video store as being somewhat cool. You get to surround yourself with pop culture all day, every day, and (at least when I was growing up) had the ability to exercise that music snobbery so effectively portrayed by the clerks in High Fidelity or Empire Records . And for a period of time, I had the opportunity to work in a video store when I was around 18 years old and going to university. While I enjoyed the job immensely, and planned on staying there for a period of time, I never thought that Patrick Swayze would cost me my job. In as much as the part-time staff at a video store is made up of students trying to make supplemental education money, and the full-time staff (save the occasional owner/operator) is someone who is there as a way station, the average employee really lives by the basic tenet of: do as little as you can while still pulling in the minimum...

Episode 48 - The Cuatro Ocho

Show Notes Full Dysclosure A whole bunch of talk on the 9/9/09 Apple announcements . iTunes 9 – The iGood, the iBad, and the iUgly . No Zune HD in the Great White North ? Google wants you to pay your two cents worth . 802.11n finally gets the green light . New Twitter terms of service . Interview Eileen Rivera ( @bigepaz ) and Lynn Fu ( @lynnfu ) of The Bite Club podcast talking all things Twilight, True Blood, and fangy. Website of the Week – Fangtastic! Music The Vanishers out of Burlington, ON with their track “4am”

Episode 47 - Lost in Traffic

Anthony does a rare shot of flying solo for 45 minutes without a seatbelt or flotation device. Quick Show Notes Full Dysclosure Google Archives Canadian History Canada Pension Plan Buys Part of Skype Everybody Know That Word is STILL Word Walkman Outsells iPod C64 iPhone App APProved iPod Tax in Canada? Movies Box Office totals for the weekend Rambo V – Son of Mutant Rambo Burton’s Number 9, Number 9 Website of the Week – social media aggregated on your desktop Music Kingston, Ontario’s “The Gertrudes”

An Open Letter To The BC Government

(Note from Mike:  I normally don’t delve into political discussion of this nature, but I feel that the situation in BC has gotten to the point where it is BEYOND dysfunction.  I’d like to say this type of rant won’t happen again, but it probably will.) Dear Premier Campbell, It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we, the taxpayers of British Columbia, must cancel the agreement you made with yourself and other MLAs and inform you that your 29% pay increase will no longer be binding. In these tough economic times where the public is seeing an annual 6% increase in MSP costs, the need to raise taxes via the HST (garnering a nice bonus from the Federal government) and the massive cuts to arts funding, we feel that those who we pay to make these clearly sound decisions also need to contribute. We plan to put the 29% that was being given to the MLAs into a fund known as “General Revenue.”  Don’t worry – we’re not sure what that means, either. Sincerely yours, ...

Five Myths of Canadian Copyright Reform

from Having the first few minutes at home, in front of my desktop, since attending the Copyright Town Hall Inc. Lobbying Mixer this past Thursday at the palatial Royal York Hotel in Toronto’s Financial District, I have decided to construct a blog post/submission to the copyright website all in one. And far be it from me to do anything normally, I thought I would use my words to poke some holes in the common myths that revolve around relaxed copyright legislation. Myth One: Copyright is responsible for Canadian Culture I can’t believe that I actually heard one of the record execs in Toronto essentially say that strong copyright laws lead to better corporate abilities to promote Canadian culture around the world. Are we to believe that major label music is to be the hallmark of Canadian culture? Do I really want Nickelback and Avril Lavigne to be what people in Suriname, Guyana, or Guatemala think of my country’s culture? Culture existed far before co...

Episode 46 - Steal This Podcast... or copy it.

Show Notes forthcoming…once Mike is done seething.

Episode 45 - CyberSlime

Show Notes are on their way…

Episode 44 - The Hard Eight

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Facebook Adds More Faces – Facebook buys FriedFeed Twitter ReTweets Itself – Phase 1 of Twitter’s Project ReTweet rolls out Television The Dog Days Of Summer, eh? – Canadian programming’s Summer influence on TV is less than stellar Movies The Rumour Mill – Giving Mike more fodder for his AND THAT’S THE WAY IT – WHAT?! segment Websites Of The Week Scripped Digital Agenda Musical Selection The Wilderness

And That's The Way It WHAT?! (RickRoll Edition)

Top Ten Pieces of General Admission Summer Concert Etiquette

from I know you love your 3 year old. I know I don’t. There are beer, drugs, and scary-looking people at rock concerts. For the price you paid for a ticket, hire a sitter. I get that there may be a song that you don’t like and so you use that opportunity to go buy a drink or hit the bathroom, but if you’re putting double digits on the odometer before the first hour is up, maybe you should just stand in the concession area. Your friend does not need to know RIGHT NOW which song the band is playing, nor do I need you to scream into your cellphone for 5 minutes while standing 3 feet behind me on the lawn. This is a concert, not a ball game. I can get my own drink. I don’t need beer-laden shills waddling through my view to sell suds at my seat. I’d like to watch the show! As much as I might not like, but respect your right to walk up out of nowhere and stand right in front of me on the General Admission lawn, must you light up your shitty-sme...

What The F**K is Social Media: One Year Later

While this has been pretty much everywhere on the web so far, I think it’s something worthwhile to add to DyscultureD as well. This is an update to the original – one year later and it’s still pretty much bang-on… What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later View more documents from Marta Kagan .

The United Colors of Facefeed

With news today that Facebook has fed on Friendfeed, I suppose the only question left to ask is will everyone FINALLY hear about Friendfeed now? At least I’m sure the cable news will report it… if they can tie it to Twitter. Our hope: that the new amalgamation will be called Facefeed, because Facebook has essentially become the junkfood of social networking anyway (I would say MySpace, but they’ve dropped to the dollar store canned food of the genre). And since we love nothing better than to FEED OUR FACE, I propose we all bow down to our new Lord of Timesuck: FACEFEED!

Episode 43 - All Hail Shermer, Illinois

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Social Networking Twouble – Twitter, Facebook and other social sites attacked cut short – URL shortener goes under The Socially Acceptable iTunes? – iTunes 9 rumoured to incorporate social sites like Twitter, and Facebook among new feature set Google’s Voice To Be Heard On iPhone – Google voice to be a web app instead? Share The Land Shaw “Fires” Firewire – Blocking firewire on set-top boxes – one more time Movies The Rumour Mill Wheel Of Pop A John Hughes Retrospect – including this touching story… Websites Of The Week Tumblr Podfeed Musical Selection The Magician

And That's The Way It - WHAT?!

Flowcharts have been used to map out projects, encourage team-building and countless other applications. But this one takes the cake. Thanks to Holy Taco for taking flowcharts to the next level – or to home plate, if you will.

Blacque Jacque Shellacque on a Brontodoodle

via Okay, in an obvious attempt to suck in the animal lovers with a coy juxtaposition, the UK’s Daily Mail found a “cutesy” picture of two deer standing in front of a Drive In Liquor & Lounge in Medicine Bow, Wyoming. Three things: Drive In Liquor. YES! Just because a deer is in a picture, doesn’t make it cute. Would the photo have been consider cute if a flopping salmon was in front of Drive In window? WTF is with that logo!?! There’s some sort of Blacque Jacque Shellacque character brandishing a pistol riding a miniature dinosaur that most have been an early attempt at cross-breeding a Diploducus or Brontosaurus with a poodle. I’m sensing a new market for Brontodoodles… and are those footprints or mini dino turds behind them?

It's Not A Rumour...Is It?

We’ve posted a new poll regarding the truthiness behind the apparent reality of a new Apple tablet.  Skeptics and fan-boys, have fun fighting this one out! Also, for those of you who want to provide input regarding the Copyright Consultations taking place throughout The Great White North (as I write this it is still quite warm here in Victoria, BC), we urge you to head on over to their website to put your two cents in. It may be the only online sharing you’ll be able to do in the future if voices aren’t heard now….

Episode 42 - The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything

Show Notes Full Dysclosure It’s World Geek Week! No Longer “Board” – Google CEO steps down from Apple Board of Directors… Everything & The Kitchen Sync – Chrome cloud syncing coming soon… Luck Be A Tablet Tonight – The Apple rumour that just won’t die…. Playlists Under Pressure – Apple tries to gag exploding iPod owner… More Than One Mozilla-ion Downloads – Firefox hits one billion downloads, in fact… Share The Land Canada’s Copyright Wish Lists… Deader Than Disco – Is downloading music on the decline? Check this out… A$$ociated Pre$$ – Use an AP quote could cost you a note (or more)… Movies Horrific News From Hollywood – The remake , the reboot and the ridiculous… Websites of the Week Vintage Looks – Retro furniture is just a click away… Twitrdoo – The paradoxical productivity solution… Music Rude City Riot – Bu...

The Beginning of the End of the Compact Disc

With EMI announcing that they will only be selling CDs to large retailers from now on , and that small stores will have to buy their stock from the “large” retailers (read: Walmart), CDs and independent music stores are hearing the death knell in the not-to-distant-future. Gone are the days I remember of growing up at the local record store and meeting with friends, music geeks, and other pretentious community members who spent hours debating who the best drummer was. It may have been a bit sad, but it was ours. I’m certainly not expecting the Compact Disc to be around forever, but to screw over the independent retailer and pumping business to a chain like Walmart… I better not hear any more stats about how CD sales are slipping as a defense against P2P; their obviously doing their best to make sure sales fail. Hey EMI, the Jerkstore called and they’re all out of you! we all had to say goodbye unlimited supply – e.m.i. there is no reason why – e...

And That's The Way It - WHAT?

As the second funniest person involved with DyscultureD, I tend to find the second-tier stories that further augment our argument that pop culture phenomena can often be dysfunctional.  With that in mind, I’d like to introduce a little segment I’ve named in homage to the great Walter Cronkite: And That’s The Way It – WHAT? This week, researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Centre in New York discovered that Brilliant Blue G can help mend spinal injuries .  A revolutionary breakthrough, indeed.  However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Brilliant Blue G is also the food dye that is used in making Blue M&Ms. Oh, and one of the side effects is that when injected with the compound, the skin of the patient turns temporarily blue. Well, at least with a healthy spine one can run away from Gargamel should he mistake them for a giant Smurf.

Favicon Favour

Let us know if our new favicon is working for you. It looks a little something like this in all of its 16×16 pixel splendour: If it’s not working on your browser, let us know which browser you’re using and we’ll try to find a fix. I can tell you that it works in Chrome!

Macolytes Drool for the iStrudel... I mean Tablet.

via lovehatethings Is everyone heading down to the Great Outdoor Sports Equipment Supply Depot to get their backpacks ready for a three week stint in a line outside their neighborhood Apple Store to wait for the new iTablet ? Have you borrowed your sci-fi geek friend’s Dune-inspired Fremen suit so that you can filter your own urine and sweat and not give up your spot in line? Why are people so excited for a fragile 11″ piece of vaporware? I just don’t get it. I do have issues which make me question why I would EVER want one of these rumored devices and, by extension, why anyone else would. First Issue: iPhone OS – I can’t imagine having a big screen version that merely echoes the functionality of an iPhone. The iPhone OS is neat, but if this device is going to replace a netbook, I have the feeling people will want to run more than one application at a time. Notice how the iPhone commercials never say “there are Apps for that.” To promote this as...

Episode 41 - James Cameron's Dark Closet

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Apple Tablet on the way … again… maybe? Chinese iPhone suicide … who’s at fault? COMIC-CON … a dyscussion of all the latest Television and Film news. Nortel gets dysmantled and sold… where’s the pot of gold hiding ? Copyright dyscussions hit the road and want to hear your thoughts … well, maybe not YOU! Wheel of Pop Buddy Flicks Websites of the Week Shiddonni – for creative kids or the creative kid in all of us. Zazzle – Ever had a great idea for a t-shirt, mug or bumper sticker? Sell it! Music William Delray – Loved and Respected Let us know what you think about the new website design and drop a comment about anything on the podcast.

DyscultureD ReDysigned

We spent a bit of time over the past couple of days “reDysigning” the blog.  A fresh look, a couple of fresh new features (polls and a Twitter feed to name a few) gives the site a bit more of a vibrant feel.  Or so we think. We’d like your opinion on the site – both the look and content – because we want to put together a blog and podcast that you want to see and hear. A recent guest editorial by MCM has got us thinking that we’d like more “op/ed” pieces for the blog, so if you’ve got something you’d like to share, contact us .  We’d love to hear from you. Episode 41 of our weekly podcast will be up later on, so be sure to give it (and our back catalog of 40 podcasts!) a listen.  Subscribe via iTunes or listen to it right here. Thanks for reading – and listening.  Our aim, as always, is to have more people “dyscover” DyscultureD.  We’re glad you already have.

How Copyright Legitimizes Kicking Puppies

The following is a guest post by MCM. Copyright sucks. You heard me, it sucks.  It’s the biggest scam of the modern era, wasting billions of dollars and even more time, all debating stuff that can’t be solved.  When historians look back on us, they’re going to say to themselves: “Wow, this makes the angels-on-the-pin debate look substantive.” What’s wrong with copyright?  It’s fundamentally incapable of doing what people think it can do.  We’ve got arguments like “information wants to be free” and “creators are starving”, neither of which is true.  People latch on to those ideas because they’re solid ground, but they’re utter nonsense.  You can’t prove that information wants anything any more than you can prove the emotional state of a rock.  Here, let me demonstrate: the flower right next to you wants a McFlurry.  Better get on that. We don’t need to rework copyright, we need to fix society to make copyright obsolete.  Kicking puppies is illegal, but not many people do it to begin wit...

Episode 40 - Lordy, Lordy, Pass the Forty

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Digg’s name is URL – Digg hijacks tinyurl traffic Muggles make good – a Harry weekend Office goes into the clouds Comic-con ifragillisticexpialidocious The HTC Dream comes with Androids Canadians’ privacy at risk from Facebook? CRTC does whistle-stop tour to decide about Net Neutrality Television Emmy Nominations Canadians in the Race Music Arctic – Through the Spaces from their Unbeliever EP Our apologies for incorrectly referring to Arctic as “Project Arctic” in the podcast… although we do think Project Arctic is a cool name as well!

Episode 39 - Don't Be Dissin' Twitty

Show Notes Remember that July 15th is Text Nothing Day Full Dysclosure Google seeks to be a gamechanger with Chrome OS Rogers subsidizes netbooks for expensive data plans Who should be the long arm of the net law in Canada? Indie filmmakers support Bit Torrent technology and Net Neutrality United Breaks Guitars … and then they break our hearts Fiddy Cent works cheap PR with teen Youtube critic Movies Bruno models Number One behaviour Michael Moore’s latest film a “ love story “ Ryan Reynolds get greenlit as Green Lantern Websites of the Week Twitterfall – have a waterfall of aggregated tweets flow down your browser Nerdfitness – an oxymoron by name and a good idea for us all by nature Music Endangered Ape – Tales of Survivalist Horror Pt. 2