
Showing posts from September, 2009

Episode 50 - Go Straight to "L" Boys

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Are U Having a Windows 7 Party ? Archos 9 Tablet Drops for $499 Google Sidewiki’s Websites Google Docs is Back to School Ignore RIAA lawsuit for your best bargain on P2P Television The Season and Series Premiers keep rolling on. What did we watch? What did we think? Websites of the Week CTV’s Retro Minisodes – 6 minute retro television episodes that kick ass! Artwiculate – playing a Twitter word-of-the-day game. Music Alistair Blake Bundale – “Routine Things” – Facebook

Episode 49 - Montana Malden Michael Douglas Presto Frisco

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Will we see MSPhone or WinPhone or GatesPhone at CES 2010. Did Google’s dysclosure take a bite out of Apple . Microsoft doesn’t want to “Snow Leopard” kids. Students can get Windows 7 for $30 . FCC to propose Net Neutrality for American netizens. Brazil outlaws P2P programs for a VERY good reason… we just can’t know it. Television Emmy time – Will Dr. Horrible appear? Our weekly season and series premiere review. Websites of the Week – putting the fun and quirky in all your notepad needs – MYNA the new ONLINE audio editing software Music “Never Gonna Nadia” from Ottawa’s Bloomistry and their upcoming “To Be” CD

My Recommended Appleholics Anonymous Program

I’ll be your sponsor Mike… hell, I’m up late enough for a crisis of gadgetry even for left coasters… Twelve Steps of Appleholics Anonymous: Admit you are powerless over Apple—that your gadgets are unmanageably proprietary albeit sleek and sexy. Believe that a ubiquity greater than Mac could restore you to sanity. Decide to turn your purchasing and your devices over to the cause of ubiquity as you understand it. Make a searching and fearless inventory of your computer desks. Admit to yourself, and to everyone else you looked down your nose at, the exact nature of your wrongs. Be ready to have mixed platforms replace all your proprietary iDevices. Humbly ask John Hodgman to remove your shortcomings. Make a list of all persons you have snickered at for using their populist PCs, Microsoft products, Linux distros and Symbian phones, and be willing to make amends to them all. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would result in them...

Altering An Allegiance to Apple

It’s no secret I’ve been a big proponent of Apple since Anthony and I started DyscultureD – both the podcast and this blog. I’m a big fan of pretty much everything they do. So much so, I’m usually able to tolerate the little things that they do that are minor annoyances from time to time. But I’ve noticed that my loyalty is starting to waver. In that last paragraph alone, I used terms such as “pretty much”,”usually able to tolerate” and “little things that they do that are minor annoyances from time to time.” The problem is that the terms are quickly changing to “some of”,”getting weary” and “many things that they do that are becoming increasingly irritating on a regular basis.” Not good, Apple. There’s talk of a tablet, which may or not be true (more on Apple rumours in a future post), and I’m hoping that they don’t go that route. I want a netbook, not a ta...

How Patrick Swayze Cost Me My Job

( via lovehatethings ) I don’t think it’s uncommon for many teenagers to grow up thinking that a job in a music or video store as being somewhat cool. You get to surround yourself with pop culture all day, every day, and (at least when I was growing up) had the ability to exercise that music snobbery so effectively portrayed by the clerks in High Fidelity or Empire Records . And for a period of time, I had the opportunity to work in a video store when I was around 18 years old and going to university. While I enjoyed the job immensely, and planned on staying there for a period of time, I never thought that Patrick Swayze would cost me my job. In as much as the part-time staff at a video store is made up of students trying to make supplemental education money, and the full-time staff (save the occasional owner/operator) is someone who is there as a way station, the average employee really lives by the basic tenet of: do as little as you can while still pulling in the minimum...

Episode 48 - The Cuatro Ocho

Show Notes Full Dysclosure A whole bunch of talk on the 9/9/09 Apple announcements . iTunes 9 – The iGood, the iBad, and the iUgly . No Zune HD in the Great White North ? Google wants you to pay your two cents worth . 802.11n finally gets the green light . New Twitter terms of service . Interview Eileen Rivera ( @bigepaz ) and Lynn Fu ( @lynnfu ) of The Bite Club podcast talking all things Twilight, True Blood, and fangy. Website of the Week – Fangtastic! Music The Vanishers out of Burlington, ON with their track “4am”

Episode 47 - Lost in Traffic

Anthony does a rare shot of flying solo for 45 minutes without a seatbelt or flotation device. Quick Show Notes Full Dysclosure Google Archives Canadian History Canada Pension Plan Buys Part of Skype Everybody Know That Word is STILL Word Walkman Outsells iPod C64 iPhone App APProved iPod Tax in Canada? Movies Box Office totals for the weekend Rambo V – Son of Mutant Rambo Burton’s Number 9, Number 9 Website of the Week – social media aggregated on your desktop Music Kingston, Ontario’s “The Gertrudes”

An Open Letter To The BC Government

(Note from Mike:  I normally don’t delve into political discussion of this nature, but I feel that the situation in BC has gotten to the point where it is BEYOND dysfunction.  I’d like to say this type of rant won’t happen again, but it probably will.) Dear Premier Campbell, It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we, the taxpayers of British Columbia, must cancel the agreement you made with yourself and other MLAs and inform you that your 29% pay increase will no longer be binding. In these tough economic times where the public is seeing an annual 6% increase in MSP costs, the need to raise taxes via the HST (garnering a nice bonus from the Federal government) and the massive cuts to arts funding, we feel that those who we pay to make these clearly sound decisions also need to contribute. We plan to put the 29% that was being given to the MLAs into a fund known as “General Revenue.”  Don’t worry – we’re not sure what that means, either. Sincerely yours, ...

Five Myths of Canadian Copyright Reform

from Having the first few minutes at home, in front of my desktop, since attending the Copyright Town Hall Inc. Lobbying Mixer this past Thursday at the palatial Royal York Hotel in Toronto’s Financial District, I have decided to construct a blog post/submission to the copyright website all in one. And far be it from me to do anything normally, I thought I would use my words to poke some holes in the common myths that revolve around relaxed copyright legislation. Myth One: Copyright is responsible for Canadian Culture I can’t believe that I actually heard one of the record execs in Toronto essentially say that strong copyright laws lead to better corporate abilities to promote Canadian culture around the world. Are we to believe that major label music is to be the hallmark of Canadian culture? Do I really want Nickelback and Avril Lavigne to be what people in Suriname, Guyana, or Guatemala think of my country’s culture? Culture existed far before co...