Episode 54 - The Hilarious House of Finckenstein
( direct link to mp3 ) Show Notes Welcome Jason Finnerty @brandscaping of www.thetelecomblog.com , www.brandscaping.ca and www.windows7help.org and Andrew Currie @acurrie whose aggregated work can be found at www.andrewcurrie.ca Full Dysclosure Windows 7 rolls out and usurps memories of Vista Apple rolls out a whack of new products to usurp memories of Windows 7 Google rolls out a bunch of new services to usurp memories of Apple hardware Bing and Google each strike deals with Facebook and Twitter Is Mozilla’s Raindrop the Wave Killer before Wave even becomes something worth killing? If Hulu will never get to Canada, do we care that the US has to pay for it? 49th Perpendicular Net Neutrality discussions north and south of the 49th parallel Mobile Mashup The new Droid phone … is this finally the winner for Android? Is Nokia’s Maemo phone a strong alternative? Symbian exec rips Android . Websites of the Week Jason – knowyourmeme.com – stay hip wi...