
Showing posts from February, 2010

Episode 72 - ACTApussy and the Code Organ

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Canada: Canada’s broadband [loading, please wait…] lag . Telefilm wants YOU! If you’re an American movie star , that is. Hey, it worked for Cronenberg … Canada can has video calling ? Rogers says “ me too ” to DRM-free mobile music store. How Canadian MPs use Twitter — well, they’re tweeting the budget , for starters.. The Shat in The Shit . The World: Who’s afraid of open source? IIPA is . Singapore (and others) quite happy to keep ACTA under wraps . 10 billion songs served to people who can’t figure out P2P. But those cheap iPods come at a price . No moar boobies on iPhone? O RLY ? Apps are crap , anyway. Facebook patents the news feed . Wait, what? Sites of the Week Anth – Stopp ACTA , okk? Andrew – LibraryThing Mike – C O D E O R G A N Music “Bolingbroke Road” by Silver Creek .

Episode 71 - The 2nd Annual Podcamp Drunkcast

( direct link to mp3 ) Long time listeners of the DyscultureD podcast will remember last year’s recording from Podcamp Toronto where we interviewed the guys behind  Castroller after a few beverages. This year Anthony meets Andrew face-to-face in a Podcamp Toronto Drunkcast Throwdown. A muffled Mike tries to referee from Victoria (thanks to a bad hotel Skype connection) and a mysterious Podcamp Newbie chips in on occasion with unmuddled views of the biggest social media event in Canada. Some great new friends and some great memories with existing ones. Also, we all learn how Huggies plans on training children to properly crap in their diapers. Limited show notes this week due to our incessant ranting. But in passing: WIRED Mag demos their bullshit iPad app . Maemo + Intel = MeeGo . The Rebel App Store Alliance ! Websites of the Week Mike – lets everyone know when you’re away. Andrew – and our new fav song “ The Potty Dance ...

Episode 70 - The Return of The Fellowship of This Thing

Full Dysclosure Canada: CTV promises 4,800 hours of Olympic coverage … Is that even possible? At the Canadian border your laptop will be opened for inspection, but reasons why are closed to the public . Another pointless public consultation . Globalive is here to stay but our government won’t tell us why . The World: World’s best mobile browser probably not coming to iPhone anytime soon. MacWorld Expo makes us say “meh”. It’s official — Facebook users are retarded. The fun starts here (and continues for some 29 pages)… Google Buzz is a privacy disaster . Here’s how you can fix it . Flattr your favourite bloggers with this new micropayment service from co-founder of The Pirate Bay. UK library offers free eBooks to all — all Kindle users , that is… Dyscussion: Anthony talks Podcamp Toronto 2010 with organizer Eden Spodek @edenspodek Websites of the Week: Mike – Human experiences from Victoria on ...

An iTad Torn About The iPad

(Despite what it says in the Author view, you gotta know this was written by Mike.) I’ve had a bit of time off over the past few weeks (so to speak; I’ve been very busy elsewhere) and wasn’t available for the “spirited” conversation about Apple’s new tablet device.  That said, it would have been more spirited had I been involved, mainly because I kinda dig the device.  Go figure. Here’s the thing, though…I’m not sure if I want one. Sure, it’d be great to have an e-reader for traveling on the road.  It’d also be swell to have something lightweight to blog with and handle my media.  The price is much more in my bracket than a MacBook Air.  Plus, it’s got a familiar feel to it in terms of user interface, That said, I’m pretty “meh” about the whole thing.  Why? The name really sucks.  If I did get one, I’d simply call it my Apple tablet. I can read ebooks on my laptop.  Heck, any laptop.  Even m...

Episode 69 - Innuendo Jones and The Onion Ring of Doom

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Canada: Can this onion ring get more fans than Stephen Harper? Yes, yes it can . CRTC makes a rare acknowledgment of rural Canada. Content-makers in B.C. get two tax breaks . James Cameroon — wait, Cameron — hints at Avatar 2: Electric Bugaloo . Canada pwns US&A in digital music sales. Martha and the Muffins are back and we don’t care. Nelly Furtado scores a role in skating musical that nobody asked for. The World: Facebook to offer webmail ? Details from secret ACTA meetings start to trickle out . Obama BELIEVES in Net Neturality – YES WE MIGHT! Begun, the eBook price wars have… Australian Courts take ISPs off the hook for digital transgressions. Mobile Mash-up: Rogers courts Olympic visitors with cheap SIM cards . DAVE’s not here, man — try Mobilicity . Satellite Radio coming to a BlackBerry near you . Nokia’s Symbian mobile OS goes open-source . Websites of the Week: Anth – The Public Domai...