Episode 72 - ACTApussy and the Code Organ
Show Notes Full Dysclosure Canada: Canada’s broadband [loading, please wait…] lag . Telefilm wants YOU! If you’re an American movie star , that is. Hey, it worked for Cronenberg … Canada can has video calling ? Rogers says “ me too ” to DRM-free mobile music store. How Canadian MPs use Twitter — well, they’re tweeting the budget , for starters.. The Shat in The Shit . The World: Who’s afraid of open source? IIPA is . Singapore (and others) quite happy to keep ACTA under wraps . 10 billion songs served to people who can’t figure out P2P. But those cheap iPods come at a price . No moar boobies on iPhone? O RLY ? Apps are crap , anyway. Facebook patents the news feed . Wait, what? Sites of the Week Anth – Stopp ACTA , okk? Andrew – LibraryThing Mike – C O D E O R G A N Music “Bolingbroke Road” by Silver Creek .