Episode 80 - Shatner and Spock find 24th Century iPhone... No Flash!
Transcript of Live Chat ( you could have been there too ): Show Notes: Dystractions Captain Kirk for GG ? Spock hangs up his ears . That’s so meta: Hitler reacts to takedown of Hitler videos : 5 years of teh YooTubez . Zomg, Android running on iPhone !!1! Blizzard bets the farm on virtual livestock… and wins . Full Dysclosure Canada’s Privacy Commissioner to poke Facebook again, possibly . Canada Council on trial . GOA calls BS on MPAA (and why Mitch Kapor is awesome). Pr0nmaker takes RapidShare to court . Photoshop for Linux ?!! Mobile “expert” eats humble pie , kinda. Interview Josh Bernhard and Bracey Smith from PIONEER ONE . Shout-outs Steve Czajka on Posterous . Want a shout-out too? Tweet us, email us, DO SOMETHING!!1! Music Raccoon Bandit – “Same Old Boat ”