
Showing posts from July, 2010

Wherefore Intelligence in Advocacy by Artists?

Frank Zappa kicking ass on Crossfire (24 years ago!) surrounding issues with regards to censorship. Where are today’s advocates from the music industry that can speak so eloquently and stand shoulder to shoulder with pundits, refuting egregious claims point by point? Maybe not a Canadian example, but certainly a by-product of dysfunction. Also a refreshing diversion from the copyright lobby’s artist recruits who complain about the “popcorn sellers”. Apologies for the long clip, but if you can get through the first couple of minutes, you’ll be hooked.

Episode 93 - Wednesdays With Maury and The Wiseman

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Episode 92: Chilly Conned Census

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Thor and Captain America to get Clash 3D Treatment

With the news that the two latest Avengers efforts will be made into 3D films AFTER  they’ve been shot (ala Clash of the Titans), I have to wonder if “colourization” debate going to be re-ignited for 3D TV. Of course I have little doubt George Lucas will be releasing the original Star Wars trilogy in 3D and Smell-o-vision within the next five years, I’m wondering how far off we are from some of the older classics being post-processed through the 3D filter. The following is a tongue-in-cheek consideration of some classic films that should have 3D added value and why: 1) The Wizard of Oz – Two words… flying monkeys. 2) Elephant Man – Truly appreciate John Merrick’s deformities. 3) The Godfather – Somehow freaky orange-peel-mouth Brando could be entertaining. 4) 2001 – you even have to ask? The trippy end sequence and Space Baby. 5) Goodfellas – if only for the 3 minute uncut shot walking into the restaurant. 6) The Ten Comm...

Episode 91: Fatal1ty of a Hockey Musical

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

20 Sci-Fi Films to See in 2011

The SyFy Network-powered site SciFi Wire has a list of the 20 most anticipated sci-fi movies of 2011 .  Some of the ones I’m going to see are: Captain America: The First Avenger Yeah, I’m a comic book nerd.  Hopefully this one will do the character more justice than this one did.  Johnny Storm is playing Captain America. Weird. Thor Another comic book film I’m stoked to see – as long as Thor doesn’t turn out like the one that appeared back in the Hulk movies on television.  I think that guy is on Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie now. (Hey, I have a five year old…cut me some slack!) Green Lantern This is the one I’ve been waiting for.  Can Ryan Reynolds do Hal Jordan justice?  I think the good old Canadian native is up to the task. Transformers 3 Could go either way on this.  That said, Megan Fox isn’t acting in this one. Then again, that also happened in the first two installments.

DyscultureD #91 - Join Us LIVE!

If you haven’t already, you can use our handy-dandy reminder service to let you know when we’re on next. It’s also placed in one of our sidebars, but here it is right down the middle for your utmost convenience. Join us, won’t you? The podcast is great, but the live stream is greaterish.

Young Women As New Adult Diaper Market?

From an interesting study off the cable Oxygen network (O for short), apparently one-third of young women would rather ensure their Farmville crops are doing well and check other social media connections before attending to morning hygiene : “many young women check their page even before using the bathroom in the morning.” As someone who is appalled by the implications of the study, all I can offer is the following: Buy yourself a smartphone and get all your Facebook pokes out of the way while LYING in bed. Of course if you are trying to buy an iPhone like the woman in the following cartoon, you won’t be able to play Farmville because it’s Flash-based.

Episode 90 - The Queen Goes Tech and The Prince Goes Crazy

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Yet Another Rant About Copyright

Over on my lovehatethings blog/podcast I went on a bit of an impromptu rant about copyright and the creative process. I’d certainly invite all DyscultureD listeners to check it out at: lovehate podcast 170: When Copyright Equals Creativity, Art Equals Craft

Episode 89 - Celebrating Canada's Intrinsic Malaise

with special guest Heather Gold (@heathr) of You can check out the chat room for this episode by opening this link .