
Showing posts from September, 2010

Episode 102 - What the Heck's with George Lucas' Neck?

Transcript of Live Chat .

Episode 101 - Potato Chips for Prostitutes

Transcript of Live Chat .

Episode 100 - In-Dyggnation

Transcript of Live Chat . Apologies for the record quality, but if it bothers you that much, join in on the drinking games while listening.

T-Shirts Anyone?

During last night’s live show celebrating 100 episodes of Dyscultured, we gave away two of these snazzy looking t-shirts (courtesy of the fine folks at Campbell & Brown’s T-Shirt Town ) and we’ve got some available for those who pitch in to help us get through the next 100 episodes (and beyond). With a minimum $10 donation to the cause (Canadian funds, of course) you get a great shirt at a great deal and help us pay for the things that let us do what we do here at Dyscultured. Plus you can show off your true colours as a Dyscultured “dysciple.” Isn’t patronage fun? You could donate less if you want – or not at all – but then you won’t get the shirt. Don’t “dysappoint” us. Either way, they’re here if you want ’em! Thanks for your support – and we’ll have the full podcast of last night’s extravaganza up later tonight. It’ll be available to listen to or download right here on ...

Proof Positive: Let the (drinking) games begin!

With the DyscultureD 100th episode coming up this Wednesday (and the impending drinking game) our main participants have locked and loaded with their choices.

Midweek Shout Outs

mobile wallpaper from @steveczajka First, a big thanks to the folks who write for the iWeb blog (our new host BTW) for giving us the first mention in their list of English language podcasts worth checking out. I suggest you check the rest of the list out at iWeb Blog . Second, friend of show, Steve Czajka ( aka podcast noob ), made some really cool DyscultureD wallpapers and iPhone backgrounds a couple of months ago, and recently put up a post outlining his creative process behind the works. Please check out the post on his site , and if you want to download them, we have them posted at .

Episode 99 - The Wayne-ing is the Hardest Part

Transcript of Live Chat , now powered by Jabber !

Episode 98 - The Bed Bugs Bite The Big Apple

Transcript of Live Chat , now powered by Jabber !

Our new Jabber room (and how to connect to it)...

You complain, we listen. That’s how we roll. A lot of listeners who come out every Wednesday for the live recording of this humble podcast have taken issue with CoveritLive — or more specifically, the rampant ads that they’re forced to endure while using it. I suggested that we move said chat to the ancient (by Internet standards) medium of IRC , but the only IRC server I know of is freenode , and Dyscultured doesn’t really fit into their stated mandate: freenode provides discussion facilities for the Free and Open Source Software communities, for not-for-profit organizations and for related communities and organizations. Yeah, not so much…