(direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Anth, Currie and Wiseman for past, what… six episodes ? Cana-duh Tronno Star hack defends paywall , with predictable results . Copyfight Sharing pr0n costs a lot more than making it , it seems. Priva-see Microsoft reveals killer app for Xbox Kinect. Going Mobile Little green robot turned 5 years old this week. 75% global market share = Google monopoly ? A quick primer on Android security, via this , this , this and this . Khaki Pants How YouTube is leaving amateurs behind . Edjumacayshun Dealing with digital distractions in the classroom. Meanwhile, in Africa… Ethiopian kids hack on Android with no prior instruction. And in Lagos, a litre of piss yields six hours of power . Pew-Pew UK judge to AppleAppleApple: “ Say sorry like you mean it !” reddit user captures voting machine irregularity in the US and A. Worst guerilla marketing campaign ever . And finally, some news worth paying for . Shout-outs Another reddit convert ...