
Showing posts from January, 2012

Episode 170 - Smelly Katz, It's Not Your Fault

( direct link to mp3 ) AppleAppleApple iBooks 2, not cool . Can Apple even be stopped at this point? Copyfight Hollywood bites back; MegaUpload shut down ., with predictable results . Lobbyists gone wild . Great, there’s a RE-copyright now… Canada-duh Fincky-dink is gone; where the fuck did they get this guy ? A SOPA to call our own . They always come in Cs … A whistleblower’s open letter to Canada . Canadian resident sentenced to death for writing a computer program . Priva-see Can’t opt out of that , no can do. Goin’ Mobile RIM’s co-CEOs resign , with predictable results . Pew-Pew! Hashtags gone wild . Windows Phone tops in 2015, says Microsoft-commissioned study . Rogers’ new cancellation policy in da house! CRTC has strong words for Rogers (and not much else). So that’s why Apple Stores are so popular… Shout-outs Currie needs more direction on this tweet from SimonLR . Thanks to our retweeters , too. Music This week w...

Episode 169 - The Sound of SOPA

( direct link to mp3 ) Copyfight And… blackout ! SOPA/PIPA sponsors drop like flies . Yet it’s business as usual at Facebook, Google (Canada), HuffPo, Twitter… Canada-duh Election laws they are a-changin ‘…’s Evan Prodromou offers a hand to Google . iWeb begets Funio . Funny story about that… Goin’ Mobile Samsung not a suitor for beleaguered RIM. AppleAppleApple Cupertino responds to This American Life . “ I visited the Apple campus but that’s all I’m allowed to say. “ “Wow, this iPad 2 sure is heavy …” But this has to be TEH BEST APP EVAR !!1! Pew-Pew! The continuing pornification of tech. Early candidate for understatement of the year: Rogers price hike not well received by users . Meanwhile, Shaw fucks over Mountain Cable refugees (like Anth). Bell Media the king of streaming video in Cana-duh. For those who know better, The Pirate Bay has good news . More on magnet links here . H...

Episode 168 - Suck Your Own Egg

( direct link to mp3 ) Canada-duh OpenMedia to bring spectrum auction issues to a wider audience . A dystopian future for Canada’s Internet . TPP — another acronym to be afraid of. “Storied” Canadian Indie publisher gobbled up by Bertelsmann AG . Copyfight Some of the stuff that should have entered the public domain on January 1st but didn’t . From the obvious department: “ Hollywood must build a better BitTorrent .” Another petition to stop SOPA. From Hollywood Unions . Goin’ Mobile Activism comes to Android with Boycott SOPA app . Upstart Canadian carrier Mobilicity is becoming a train wreck . Social data too ? Jesus… Barnes & Noble an unlikely hero in pushback to Microsoft protection racket — some background and the latest developments . AppleAppleApple Siri to dominate CES ? Mmkay… Why Canada should care about iPhone for T-Mobile USA . Anybody catch This American Life recently? Pew-Pew! Bell assigns escort service n...

Episode 167 - Tonka Truck on Mars

( direct link to mp3 ) Andrew isn’t here, Anth is here but in Vegas and all things considered it’s amazing we connected this week at all. But we did, and we talked about Canada, mobile and more movies and TV stuff than usual. Not to mention bringing back a really old segment. We’ll be here with another with a live episode next Wednesday, so join us for Episode 168. Off the Top We’ve told you had bad Rogers is…now let Floyd Canada-Duh New Internet pricing rules spark jump in customer bills If Canada is Google’s sweetheart, why is access still a problem? How a Montreal company won the race to build the world’s cheapest tablet Mobilicious Apple Didn’t Invent the All-Touch Phone Wheel of Pop First up: Movies Then: Television Then we finish up with music…which is finished in its present state of distribution, by the way Pew Pews Occupy-tional Hazard I wonder how many people care about this one. My “Curiousity” is piqued. PayPal: B...