Episode 179 - Hungry Games
( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Vic Toews explains how hackers are a threat to us all . A threat to us all! Khaki Pants Facebook stands up for users’ rights ? That don’t sound right… Oh, they’re also trying to expand their trademark on the word “book” . All is well. Cana-duh DDoS delays NDP leadership e-vote. TPP vs. ACTA. Fight ! Election fraud update: Lawsuits filed to annul results in seven ridings . Goin’ Mobile Here come the Nano-SIMs . Canada cedes domestic smartphone market to iPhone , maintains status as mobile backwater. Tired Old Media Indie filmmaker: Please pirate my movie ! AnandTech takes seven pages to tell us what we already know: Blu-ray is doomed . It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews! Racist Hunger Games fans are disappoint . Our kind of reboot: Creative Commons Canada re-launched . Android user smokes Windows Phone, gets disqualified . The classy thing to do would be to not dredge this up again … Shout-outs Holy s...