( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble A soft-sell of NSTIC from this YouTube vid . More below. Priva-see Evil acronym of the week: CISPA . And one acronym to rule them all: NSTIC . Cana-duh Halifax studio – and possibly 22 Minutes — to be axed by CBC ? But the beleaguered broadcaster may have an ace up its sleeve: satellite radio . Copyfight 5,000 artists line up for promotion on The Pirate Bay. Proposed Chinese copyright term is three months ! Edumacashun Poland open sources textbooks . There’s a joke in there somewhere. Disappointing ROI for OLPC in Peru . Thanks For The Memory RIP Jack Tramiel , founder of Commodore. How the walled gardens of yesteryear are like the walled gardens of today . It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews! M$ now owns Netscape IP . Oh noes! Calgary mayor the latest darling of Twitter and reddit . No shit, Sherlock: Rogers contracts unconscionable , says lawyer not paid by Rogers. Only in Canada: The quarter that costs thirty bucks . MintChip ...