Episode 195 - So that was the Large Popcorn?
( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Excerpt from a TED Talk by Malte Spitz of the German Green Party. Blowback Going to the movies just got a whole lot worse . Studios nix info on tix — out of respect ? Prix. As conspiracy theories go, this one’s rather interesting . Cana-duh Elections Canada caught trying to game the Supreme Court. Robocalls lawsuit moving forward . Class action suit against Elections Ontario . So is it time for liquid democracy yet? Khaki Pants Who owns your tweets ? Worldwide study on the cost of connectivity . LOL @Cana-duh. Goin’ Mobile More from Malte Spitz . So that’s why hotspots will be banned at the Olympics… It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews Something about a la carte cable channels . OHAI music industry’s global anti-piracy strategy . Judge green-lights getting nekkid to protest the TSA . McDonald’s denies assault on cyborg , with no evidence to support it. Yeah, we totally scooped The Tronno Star . Shout-out...