Episode 208 - Canada Welcomes Weekend Hackers
(direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Rowan Atkinson talks free speech, via YouTube . Cana-duh Bell-Astral deal denied by CRTC . Cyber-security in Cana-duh: office hours only . Priva-see Office drones entitled to privacy on workplace computers, says Supreme Court . Freedom! Icelanders approve crowd-sourced constitution . Arduino Due is here! Khaki Pants Microsoft gambles on a touch-based future . Going Mobile WIND now 100% foreign-owned . Square is coming to Cana-duh; here’s what you need to know . AppleAppleApple (insert mandatory iPad Mini discussion here) Cupertino’s secrecy dashed by Canadian bloggers ? reddit FTW Amazon user gets account suspended , then restored . Free online education deemed illegal in Minnesota , then not so much . OpenMedia does an AMA . Pew-Pew Samsung plays to Korea’s strengths . Shout-outs You had Currie at “ questions about cell phones “… Music Here’s the first track from the new Brad Sucks album. Dyscuss Something to ...