(direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Propaganda film from North Korea nails Western Culture. Cana-duh Cana-duh (with a little help from the Brits and Yanks) totally bitchslaps the ITU . Copyfight TekSavvy & Voltage duke it out in Federal Court. Tired, Old Media From the obvious department, five artists who are making a killing off of piracy . Khaki Pants Instagram to monetize users’ photos . Or not . In related news, Currie totally pwns NatGeo . Going Mobile Topping the reddit this week, Ars Technica interviews a patent troll . What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been WIRED’s biggest tech fails of 2012. Pew-Pew Sued single mom goes certiorari on the RIAA. Wait, whut ? Ray Kurzweil joins Google , Google joins the singularity. Tired old media identifies Newtown shooter on Facebook. Incorrectly . TL;DR drones are fucking evil . Shout-outs Mark ST is back . Awww, yeahhhhh! Music Moses vs. Santa Claus; free download on iTunes (Linux users, hit us up for a rip). Dyscuss Some...