Episode 225 - The Walrus Was Here
(direct link to mp3 ) (Google+ Hangout here ) Preamble Seth MacFarlane hosts the Oscars, with predictable results . Cana-duh Security threat: user-generated Counter-Strike map of a MontrĂ©al Metro station . Priva-see Put another way, cops need a warrant for password-protected phones. By the way, here’s what the cops can get from a typical cell phone search. Khaki Pants “ Hey Craig, do you like penis-shaped waffles ?” Freedom Ontario Greens lead the way with their policy for open-source software . Copyfight “Six strikes” scheme underway in the US and A . Going Mobile Firefox OS officially official at MWC. Pew-Pew Rogers support rep states the obvious on reddit AMA. Internet Archive salaries to be paid in Bitcoin . Bonuses by Flattr? Boffins closer to a socially responsible mobile phone . Yes, I said “boffins”… Motherfucking 3-D printed car ! Shout-outs Our Facebook page stays (WARNING: link to Facebook). Music The Beatles’ first s...