Google+ Hangout happened here . Preamble Mark Shuttleworth’s “ crazy, beautiful idea “. Cana-duh How a small town in Alberta became the digital envy of the nation . Too Seksy UK PM plans porn filter , then backpedals . But no backpedaling for this Winnipeg MP . Priva-see SIM cards hacked , but you don’t really have to worry. Going Mobile Ubuntu crowdfunds its first smartphone . Thanks For The Memory Alan Turing given posthumous pardon . The NeverEnding Story Rogers/Telus CEOs play good cop / bad cop . Racist on-air mistake? What racist on-air mistake ? Pew-Pew Google’s brand-new Chromecast — guess where it’s not yet available? Good guy Greg pays it forward at Winnipeg Edmonton Tim’s. Shout-outs MMD keeps the heat on that Telus shill — the proof is in the comments ! Music If tonight’s ep clocks in at three hours it’s because Anth is playing something from Phish … Dyscuss Something to say? Leave a comment below. C...