Long Dystance Dedication

Some of you may be wondering where this week’s episode of DyscultureD is. Well, there are several reasons why, and we’ll leave it up to you as to whther you believe one, some, or all of the following dysfunctional excuses:

  1. Mike was called away to a Tweetup in Prague.
  2. Anth was held hostage in a hotel in Toronto.
  3. Mike and Anth retreated into a rented loft space to practice their routine for the upcoming tryouts of So You Think You Can Dance Saskatoon?
  4. The team is working on a revamp of the DyscultureD website.
  5. Anth, being a teacher, refuses to do anything on March Break but watch old episodes of Roger Ramjet and Buck Rogers.
  6. Mike was called into action by a secret society to retrieve the lost wishbone of St. Hubert.

Regardless of how many of these very reasonable excuses you choose to believe, rest assured DyscultureD will be back next week with the finest and most dysturbing pop culture news for Canadians.

So say we all.


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