
Showing posts from 2010

Episode 114 - The Return of the Stuffed Stockings

As a result of Skype’s untimely kick in the teeth this past Wednesday, and our inability to modify on the fly whilst being around the continent, we offer a holiday podcast filled with greetings and music from a dystance. If anyone is missing show notes… tough. I’m on holidays.

Episode 113 - Andrew Flips an Angry Bird

Story links and music here . Transcript of chat here . Enjoy! All episodes of DyscultureD are NSFW which means Not Safe for Work OR No Sleep for Wikileaks.

Episode 112 - He Was Poured Into His Avatar

Story links and music here . Transcript of chat here . Enjoy!

Episode 111 - I Are Social Media GOOROO!

Transcript of Live Chat – join us next time, won’t you? This podcast is NSFW which means Not Safe for Work or Naughty Saucy Foolish Wanker. Shane is here, Ryan Wiseman is here and Andrew joins in a little later on. We can haz whole crew!

Episode 110 - JERKS

Transcript of Live Chat . This podcast is NSFW which means Not Safe for Work or Nicely Soiled Flannel Waistband. Shane Birley joins us, again. W00t!

Episode 109 - Apple Sells Revolvers for $12.99

Transcript of Live Chat . This podcast is NSFW which means Not Safe for Work or Nightly Sustenance for Werewolves. Shane Birley joins us, again. And I’m back from the other side of the International Date Line.

Episode 108 - Slowly Cooked Gonads with a Side of Digital Lox

Transcript of Live Chat (link to come soon) This podcast is NSFW which means Not Safe for Work or No Sleep for Wawa Thanks to Our Man on the Hill, Russell McOrmond ( @russellmcormond ) for joining us.

Episode 107 - Release the Baccon!

Transcript of Live Chat This podcast is NSFW which means Not Safe for Work or No Steam for Weiners

Episode 106 - C Is For Copyright and Less Isn't Moore

Transcript of Live Chat . This podcast is NSFW which means Not Safe for Work or No Screams for We’en

Episode 105 - Oh, Liver Spot Newton-John

As usual, this podcast is NSFW which stands for Not Safe For Work or No Soul For Wal-Mart. Also, we’re trying to upload this podcast at a VBR of 56kbs to 96 to save download time. Let us know if you hear a difference. EDIT: You will hear a difference as the two recordings we had were not ideal. Mine had a very low Shane and some other signal breaks. Mike’s had a very low Mike… on his mic…. As such, the result is heavily compressed to bring Mike’s mic up to a reasonable level while keeping us under clip levels. Apologies for not being at home – Anthony … With returning guest Shane Birley ! Transcript of Live Chat .

Episode 104 - CC is for Cookie Cookie; that's good enough for me!

As usual, this podcast is NSFW which stands for Not Safe For Work or Norwegian Song For Webolutionaries. Also, we’re trying to upload this podcast at a sample rate of 64kbs instead of 96 to save download time. Let us know if you hear a difference. … With returning guest Shane Birley ! Transcript of Live Chat .

Episode 103 - Live from the Speakers' Room...

… With returning guest Shane Birley ! Transcript of Live Chat .

Episode 102 - What the Heck's with George Lucas' Neck?

Transcript of Live Chat .

Episode 101 - Potato Chips for Prostitutes

Transcript of Live Chat .

Episode 100 - In-Dyggnation

Transcript of Live Chat . Apologies for the record quality, but if it bothers you that much, join in on the drinking games while listening.

T-Shirts Anyone?

During last night’s live show celebrating 100 episodes of Dyscultured, we gave away two of these snazzy looking t-shirts (courtesy of the fine folks at Campbell & Brown’s T-Shirt Town ) and we’ve got some available for those who pitch in to help us get through the next 100 episodes (and beyond). With a minimum $10 donation to the cause (Canadian funds, of course) you get a great shirt at a great deal and help us pay for the things that let us do what we do here at Dyscultured. Plus you can show off your true colours as a Dyscultured “dysciple.” Isn’t patronage fun? You could donate less if you want – or not at all – but then you won’t get the shirt. Don’t “dysappoint” us. Either way, they’re here if you want ’em! Thanks for your support – and we’ll have the full podcast of last night’s extravaganza up later tonight. It’ll be available to listen to or download right here on ...

Proof Positive: Let the (drinking) games begin!

With the DyscultureD 100th episode coming up this Wednesday (and the impending drinking game) our main participants have locked and loaded with their choices.

Midweek Shout Outs

mobile wallpaper from @steveczajka First, a big thanks to the folks who write for the iWeb blog (our new host BTW) for giving us the first mention in their list of English language podcasts worth checking out. I suggest you check the rest of the list out at iWeb Blog . Second, friend of show, Steve Czajka ( aka podcast noob ), made some really cool DyscultureD wallpapers and iPhone backgrounds a couple of months ago, and recently put up a post outlining his creative process behind the works. Please check out the post on his site , and if you want to download them, we have them posted at .

Episode 99 - The Wayne-ing is the Hardest Part

Transcript of Live Chat , now powered by Jabber !

Episode 98 - The Bed Bugs Bite The Big Apple

Transcript of Live Chat , now powered by Jabber !

Our new Jabber room (and how to connect to it)...

You complain, we listen. That’s how we roll. A lot of listeners who come out every Wednesday for the live recording of this humble podcast have taken issue with CoveritLive — or more specifically, the rampant ads that they’re forced to endure while using it. I suggested that we move said chat to the ancient (by Internet standards) medium of IRC , but the only IRC server I know of is freenode , and Dyscultured doesn’t really fit into their stated mandate: freenode provides discussion facilities for the Free and Open Source Software communities, for not-for-profit organizations and for related communities and organizations. Yeah, not so much…

Episode 97 - It Reeks of Milk and Oranges

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… ) DyscultureD: Ep. 97

Episode 96 - Flush With Dumbness

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

The Jenny Hoax: A Better Parody

Those in the chat room for last week’s live stream of the podcast may recall that I did a little bit of a spoof on the whole “Jenny Quits” hoax-thing . I thought it was pretty okay, but I’m biased.

The Kids Are Alright

Thanks to Techdirt for the heads up on this one… They pointed to an interview of Dave Foley and Bruce McCulloch on Keith Olbermann (speaking about their miniseries Death Comes to Town) about how the CBC wouldn’t send them DVD copies of their own show to watch, so Foley downloaded them via Bit Torrent. Clipped from the interview for your amusement. Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy

Episode 95 - Heaven is a Series of Tubes

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Episode 94 - 1st Step 2 4ever

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Wherefore Intelligence in Advocacy by Artists?

Frank Zappa kicking ass on Crossfire (24 years ago!) surrounding issues with regards to censorship. Where are today’s advocates from the music industry that can speak so eloquently and stand shoulder to shoulder with pundits, refuting egregious claims point by point? Maybe not a Canadian example, but certainly a by-product of dysfunction. Also a refreshing diversion from the copyright lobby’s artist recruits who complain about the “popcorn sellers”. Apologies for the long clip, but if you can get through the first couple of minutes, you’ll be hooked.

Episode 93 - Wednesdays With Maury and The Wiseman

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Episode 92: Chilly Conned Census

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Thor and Captain America to get Clash 3D Treatment

With the news that the two latest Avengers efforts will be made into 3D films AFTER  they’ve been shot (ala Clash of the Titans), I have to wonder if “colourization” debate going to be re-ignited for 3D TV. Of course I have little doubt George Lucas will be releasing the original Star Wars trilogy in 3D and Smell-o-vision within the next five years, I’m wondering how far off we are from some of the older classics being post-processed through the 3D filter. The following is a tongue-in-cheek consideration of some classic films that should have 3D added value and why: 1) The Wizard of Oz – Two words… flying monkeys. 2) Elephant Man – Truly appreciate John Merrick’s deformities. 3) The Godfather – Somehow freaky orange-peel-mouth Brando could be entertaining. 4) 2001 – you even have to ask? The trippy end sequence and Space Baby. 5) Goodfellas – if only for the 3 minute uncut shot walking into the restaurant. 6) The Ten Comm...

Episode 91: Fatal1ty of a Hockey Musical

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

20 Sci-Fi Films to See in 2011

The SyFy Network-powered site SciFi Wire has a list of the 20 most anticipated sci-fi movies of 2011 .  Some of the ones I’m going to see are: Captain America: The First Avenger Yeah, I’m a comic book nerd.  Hopefully this one will do the character more justice than this one did.  Johnny Storm is playing Captain America. Weird. Thor Another comic book film I’m stoked to see – as long as Thor doesn’t turn out like the one that appeared back in the Hulk movies on television.  I think that guy is on Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie now. (Hey, I have a five year old…cut me some slack!) Green Lantern This is the one I’ve been waiting for.  Can Ryan Reynolds do Hal Jordan justice?  I think the good old Canadian native is up to the task. Transformers 3 Could go either way on this.  That said, Megan Fox isn’t acting in this one. Then again, that also happened in the first two installments.

DyscultureD #91 - Join Us LIVE!

If you haven’t already, you can use our handy-dandy reminder service to let you know when we’re on next. It’s also placed in one of our sidebars, but here it is right down the middle for your utmost convenience. Join us, won’t you? The podcast is great, but the live stream is greaterish.

Young Women As New Adult Diaper Market?

From an interesting study off the cable Oxygen network (O for short), apparently one-third of young women would rather ensure their Farmville crops are doing well and check other social media connections before attending to morning hygiene : “many young women check their page even before using the bathroom in the morning.” As someone who is appalled by the implications of the study, all I can offer is the following: Buy yourself a smartphone and get all your Facebook pokes out of the way while LYING in bed. Of course if you are trying to buy an iPhone like the woman in the following cartoon, you won’t be able to play Farmville because it’s Flash-based.

Episode 90 - The Queen Goes Tech and The Prince Goes Crazy

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… )

Yet Another Rant About Copyright

Over on my lovehatethings blog/podcast I went on a bit of an impromptu rant about copyright and the creative process. I’d certainly invite all DyscultureD listeners to check it out at: lovehate podcast 170: When Copyright Equals Creativity, Art Equals Craft

Episode 89 - Celebrating Canada's Intrinsic Malaise

with special guest Heather Gold (@heathr) of You can check out the chat room for this episode by opening this link .


“Honey, what’s this gunk on the back wall of the cinema?” “I’m not sure, but I think Hollywood just blew its brains out…”

Latest iPhone Not 4 Mike?

“Gripping any phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for every wireless phone. If you ever experience this on your Phone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases.” – Apple statement on antenna issues with iPhone 4 Yeah, I’m left-handed.

Episode 88 - "Canada Is All About Fucking Beavers"

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… ) DyscultureD LIVE Chat: Ep. 88

Your Diane Wild primer for tonight's episode

Diane Wild is our go to expert on Canadian Television productions. Her site is a fantastic resource of Canadian shows AND foreign shows being shot in Canada. From tv-eh… TV, eh? is an attempt to provide one-stop-shopping for information on Canadian TV drama and comedy shows (that’s actual Canadian programs, by the way, not just anything on a Canadian network). The site links to articles and publishes scheduling information and media releases. Listen to Diane tonight on DyscultureD.

Your Russell McOrmond primer for tonight's episode...

Michael Geist may get all the attention, but there are other Canadians working tirelessly to promote non DMCA-style copyright reform — and in this case, open source software as well. Russell McOrmond is one of them. Mr. McOrmond will be our guest on the podcast tonight — don’t miss it ! You can read more about his noble work at the link below… Five questions for Russell McOrmond. | Open attitude.

James Moore: Master of Placation

If you enjoy the taste of throw-up in your mouth, read on…

Podcasters Across Borders 2010

photo courtesy Bob Goyetche This weekend I attended Podcasters Across Borders 2010 in Ottawa (that’s me in the top row on the right in the grey shirt) and was blown away by a sense of community that exceeded my expectations in every regard. There will eventually be audio and video online of all the full sessions and JOLT talks that comprised the official schedule of events. I was immediately struck by the high level thinking about communications that was being shared. This ain’t no podcamp folks! In fact, the event was clearly about content creation over simply podcasting alone. In that regard, PAB2010 became content. There was a synergy of shared culture and a friendly handshake and nod to everyone there indicating that if you made it that far, you were more than welcome. I cannot say I’ve ever experienced anything like it. I’ve already signed up for next year, and am encouraging friends to do the same. If you blog, podcast, are an online journalists or photogra...

The So-Called Social Network

The Fincher film that Andrew loves reveals its poster on its official site . The site can also be found by typing in “” into your address bar.  We’re waiting with baited breath as to whom buys “” to combat it. Jesse Eisenberg looks more like Michael Cera here than ever before.  I think. You can even “like” the site. I’m sure Andrew will keep us posted on further dvelopments…

The Pioneer One Pirate Bay

This makes me happy.  Nicely done, Josh & Bracey.  Front page of The Pirate Bay. Download Pioneer One’s pilot episode

Pioneer One, episode one is here!

You must understand that this project is very big deal, whether you’re a fan of the subject matter or not. If it’s successful Pioneer One could pave the way for a golden age of video storytelling — funded by fans, delivered by BitTorrent, all without any meddling by big media… What a wonderful thing that would be. I got a sneak preview of the Pioneer One pilot on Vimeo courtesy of Mike, the night before it was released to the world on Vodo … Grab your own copy now! Pioneer One, episode one is here! | Open attitude.

The Halak Trade

We wax poetic/nostalgic/idiotic about pop culture, gadgetry and the like at DyscultureD . But sometimes we feel the need to go ultra-Canadian. Like now. I’m going to talk about hockey.

Episode 87 - Alright! It's The Pink Stuff!

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… ) Show Notes: Dystractions Isn’t it a good thing that electric cars are silent ? Remake crushes other remake at box office. Von Finckenstein is one scary-looking motherfucker . Oh, and something about Digital TV. Raise your penis if you think Chatroulette should clean up its act . I will give you a better Web 2.0 domain name for $5 . CIRA astroturf invades Facebook and Twitter. Kill the music industry — literally ! Best anti-piracy campaign EVAR!!1! Full Dysclosure Anthony wants to Kinect with E3 but kan’t. Mike: “ Fuck that blue shit !” Currie calls bullshit on Jaron Lanier ?! Oh wait, it’s all a ruse to plug this Fringe Show . Shout-outs Ghabuntu / Luqman Saeed , Jordan Keats , the Pioneer One crew Bruce Campbell & Bill Kempthorne for the Tweets. Podcast Noob for the comment . Jesse Brown on Facebook (zomg!) And everyone who came out to chat. Music Arctheline – “Al...

Jesse Brown stands up for Canadian hackers!

It’s Jesse Brown’s final question to Industry Minister Tony Clement that made me want to jump through my monitor, claw my way through the inter-tubes and give him a high-five. I didn’t realize that the Minister had spoken so disparagingly of hackers when Bill C-32 was announced; kudos to Jesse for rightfully pointing out that hackers have made the Internet the (mostly) wonderful thing it is today, and that Canadians shouldn’t be content with grunt-work doled out by American video game studios — we should instead be inventing our own Googles. our own Twitters — oh wait, we already have that … Anyway, this is definitely another episode of Search Engine that’s worthy of your time. And I’m sure Jesse is returning the favour by linking to us on his blog, rite…? Search Engine Audio Podcast #45: Destroying Massive Value .

Time and Again - The Workday Goes Existential

reposted from –  time & again from  jacques khouri on  Vimeo . Samuel Beckett certainly grasped something about life when pondering Vladimir and Estragon’s dilemma in Waiting for Godot. As stark as the setting of that play was, it still serves as an allegory for the cyclical redundancy of the middle class in the 21st century. This short video is a simple and effective deconstruction of the existence that many of us feel caught up in on our worst days. We trade time for money… everybody’s working for the weekend.

Episode 86 - Get Off My WiFi, Bitch!

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… ) Show Notes: Dystractions Liberals + NDP = who cares. The World Cup… OF CRIME!!1! Journalist swims in oil slick , doesn’t care for it. Get off my WiFi, bitch! Full Dysclosure My first impressions of the new iPhone — click along as you listen! The new iPhone is magical. It changes everything, again. No other phone being released this year can touch it . It’s hi-res retina display seems almost too good to be true … Everything about the new iPhone is magical. Its non-removable battery… Its camera, with the highest available resolution on the market … Its video editing, never before seen on a mobile phone … And of course, the one – of-a-kind app store … iPhone users aren’t hipsters … Nor are they unquestioning sheep who routinely trade away their digital freedoms without knowing or caring… To sum up: iPhone. Magical. Amazing. Magicalmazing. Apple...

The future of Canadian copyright rests on the shoulders of an astronaut (?!)

It’s true — at least according to Jesse Brown and the latest episode of his Search Engine podcast . After listening to what he has to say I’m not entirely sure that Liberal Industry Critic Marc Garneau is the right man for the job, but have a listen and decide for yourself… Search Engine Podcast #44: Do not Remove This Tag Under Penalty of Law .

Top Ten Unrevealed iPhone4 Features

1) More absorbent than Sham-Wow in tricky oil spill situations. 2) Able to leap off tall Chinese factories in a single bound. 3) Has the ability to motivate an entire community’s police force if it goes missing. 4) Gives you a hundred more reasons to use data and be gouged by your provider. 5) Farmville gives iPhone that touch of class that only Zuckerberg understands. 6) iPhone to blind today’s teens in a decade with eBook reader. 7) Google directions lawsuit pales in comparison to the 2011 class-action suit involving video chatters getting hit by runaway fruit cart. 8) Prosecuting attorney uses new iPhone gyroscope configuration to determine the amount of helicopter-like rotations the corpses made before landing on the Google Streetview van. 9) Sharp 720p video capabilities look especially sharp while enduring tailbone trauma on the shockless city bus. 10) Release date of June 24th is 130th anniversary of the first public performance of O Canada which really means nothing...

What people REALLY use their iPads for (NSFW)...

From The Second City (where I used to work) via Capital of Nasty . WARNING: Strong language, adult themes, hitting Apple fanbois where it hurts. Mike, care to comment? 😈

DyscultureD Sunday School

Here’s some stuff that probably won’t make the show because it’s either too visual, too tough to work in, too late by the time we record or too awesome to hold off on… DIY Beachfront Retreat I’m longing for something like this but with only one day of sun then a downpour like we’re getting today, it seems kind of pointless. Really Trivial News This kinda slid by us.  The co-creator of Trivial Pursuit, Chris Haney, dies at 59 . Ok, NOW More People Will Watch….Won’t They? CTV’s MUCHMusic and MTV have partnered with VEVO , purportedly the web’s leading premium music video and entertainment service.  Maybe they’ll start actually showing music videos again. Hawking Is Here A Brief History in Time author and renowned physicist Stephen Hawking landed in Canada this weekend to begin A Brief Six-Week Research Stint at the Perimeter Institute in Ontario. Canada Loses Its Virgin…Music Festivals Which means no last-minute juggling ...

Sim City Like You've Never Seen It - Magnasanti

You have to watch this. The music is chilling – as is the scenario.

A Copy of a Copyright Stance

Note: You can check out everything that (friend of DyscultureD) MCM does by clicking here (which will take you to the original post).  Knowing him, he’s cool with me re-posting this here…it’s yet another view on the copyright bill that was presented Wednesday… Canadian Copyright, v251? by MCM on June 2, 2010 The information out right now is all second-hand, but according to Michael Geist , the new copyright legislation looks to be a decent step towards not sucking.  There needs to be more analysis and review, but at the moment, it would seem that the world is not going to end this summer.  There are two things, on different ends of the suck spectrum, that I find interesting:

You Can't Have Bill C32 Without 3 Stooges


Episode 85 - Every Time I Get Out, They Keep Pulling Me Back In

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… ) Show Notes: Dystractions Facebook, we can’t quit you . Tall Tales and feigned concern at the latest Steve Jobs love-in. Here’s a different take on the Foxconn suicides. James Cameron , maybe– but Kevin Costner ? We feel sorry for the oil spill… Tablets + developing world = fail. Full Dysclosure iPad vs. netbook … fight! Is this all you got , Vardy? (Podcast) scoop! Bill C-32 revealed: Breaking digital locks to become illegal , Harper revealed as Uncle Sam’s bitch . Anthony’s interview with Joe Murray , creator of Rocko’s Modern Life and Camp Lazlo , talking about KaboingTV and Kickstarter . Yours truly waxes poetically on his own TV career and what could have been. Shout-outs All the Apple fanboy Twitter accounts we unfollowed, like TUAW . All who came out to chat, like: Susan Austin victriviaqueen wakemp Diane Wild , and Crazy Phone Guy ?!1! And thanks to slugore for weighin...

Next Episode: DyscultureD Interviews Joe Murray

On the podcast this week we have an interview with Joe Murray , creator of Rocko’s Modern Life and Camp Lazlo . He wants your help in starting a web-based network for cartoons ONLY! Listen to the interview when the podcast is posted overnight on Wednesday and click the link below if you’d like help KaboingTV become a reality.

Jesse Brown is so bored of copyright...

And can you blame him? Even after Bill C-61 was crushed, even after #copycon , our sitting government is again trying to bring the dreaded DMCA to Canada. To misquote Jesse: “Before Canadian copyright can move forward things are about to get a whole lotta backwards…” Search Engine – Episode #43 .

The iPad in a Real Situation

Umm…I’d rather have an iPad… (thanks to Paul Wilson for sharing this one with me…)

Episode 84.5 - The Ep That Wasn't About The Eps That Will Be

Show Notes…not today! In this mini-ep, we talk about the upcoming changes to the podcast as outlined here . At the end of the episode, you will also get to hear the new theme song which you will normally hear at the beginning of future eps. We are welcome to comments, suggestions, and general ne’er-do-wellery in the comments below. Hope you join us on Wednesday!

I believe that childrens are teh future...

Courtesy of Michael Geist on Twitter …

Sneak Audiopeek at the NEW Intro Mashup

For all you Dysphiles who want to keep right up to date on the changes to the podcast, click the link below to listen/download the new theme song: New DyscultureD Intro Mashup I’ll send an autographed Leon’s flyer to the first person who can identify the two main music artists I used to mashup the backing track.

A Broken Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Maestro Marky Zee, You’ve been getting a lot of flack recently from tech pundits about the liberties that Facebook has taken with regards to user privacy. And you’ve responded without apology, but with indications of placating the mouthpieces. Good for you, but if you ask me, I’d say don’t apologize whatsoever.

A DyscultureD Update

We talked about this on Twitter , and promised a post to outline some of the changes that are coming for DyscultureD.  In order to better serve our listening audience, we’re making a few changes… The idea behind DyscultureD has always been to be the best Canadian pop culture and tech podcast possible – and we’re committed to keeping that pledge.  We’d love to hear feedback from our loyal listeners and readers. Anth has done us up a new theme song.  We’ve redesigned our blog and other branding.  We’re ready for the changes…and here’s just a sample of what we’re doing…

Adding iFuel to Mike's iFire


Episode 84 - Days of Wine and Hosers

Transcript of Live Chat ( you should have been there… ) Show Notes Dystractions Dan Akroyd gets our boys and girls good and drunk in Afghanistan . RIM hires QE II for quality assurance. Bryan Adams jams with the PM , and something about copyright. Full Dysclosure Google’s new box , video codec and pending lawsuits . isoHunt down but not out. Unreleased hacker doc is leaked there. Get it here ! At the multiplex : McGruber? Really? On TeeVee: Winners and losers for the upcoming fall season . Shout-outs Thanks to Belleau Woods for the pingback, John Meadows for the comment & Steve Czajka for the chat. Music The Sessions from Vancouver with their track “Say Goodbye Adrianne” — part of the Thorny Bleeder Records sampler brought to you by the Pirate Party of Canada .

Episode 83 - The Grand Poobah of Ass

Transcript of Live Chat ( you could have been there too… ) Show Notes Dystractions You can bother Canadian Heritage Minister @mpjamesmoore with tweets about a Canadian DMCA or ACTA … cause he gets really snippy when you do. R.I.P. Law & Order and Heroes … we thought you’d died long ago. iPhone 4G found in Vietnam loves you long time. Full Dysclosure Rogers goes for the iPad data gouge , but doesn’t want you to “strike out” for file-sharing. Mobilicity wants to compete against your landline provider . Google Streetview has been Wardriving for four years . Tony Clement’s ignored one public consultation about the net, now he wants to do another . Do you like Facebook? Do you know Zynga? I bet you already hate them. Steam comes to the Mac as gaming options open. Grand Theft Auto in the Old West… it’s time for Red Dead Redemption ! Another Canadian hockey movie … shoot me! Music Belleau Woods from Toronto with the...

Episode 82 - I Am Iron Man Too!

Show Notes Dystractions Iron Man 2 opens to huge weekend , even with piracy concerns . Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore dystracts you with tweets to cover up Dysclosure. Beavers in Space . Full Dysclosure Prime Minister sides with James Moore in Thunderdome-style fight with Tony Clement and a DMCA is on its way to Canada in the next 6 weeks . Some early considerations on the potential impact of the Google Bookstore in Canada. CRTC caves to Bell’s tiered internet demands. iPad gets ships date to Canada and… Mike wants one now!?! Music from Ottawa – Captial Grass and the No Men with their track Last Burning Candle

Episode 81 - Hot Apple Crumbles and I Scream

Transcript of Live Chat ( you could have been there too… ) Show Notes: Dystractions Man beats Bejeweled . Upcoming 3-D movie releases . Full Dysclosure If Apple calls the cops on you who will police the police? Hey look, Steve Jobs is a blogger hypocrite . Anth thinks the best defence against the iPad is to ignore it altogether . Closed OSes like BlackBerry and iPhone aren’t long for this world, apparently. Why use OS X anyway when you can use Ubuntu Lucid instead? In case you were wondering, Gopherspace is safe . Shout-outs Thanks to Slug is Doug for his comment on the blog last week. Thanks also to Steve Czajka and John Meadows in the chat. Check out John’s take on Apple vs. Flash . Music John Meadows — chatter and musical guest?!!1

Episode 80 - Shatner and Spock find 24th Century iPhone... No Flash!

Transcript of Live Chat ( you could have been there too ): Show Notes: Dystractions Captain Kirk for GG ? Spock hangs up his ears . That’s so meta: Hitler reacts to takedown of Hitler videos : 5 years of teh YooTubez . Zomg, Android running on iPhone !!1! Blizzard bets the farm on virtual livestock… and wins . Full Dysclosure Canada’s Privacy Commissioner to poke Facebook again, possibly . Canada Council on trial . GOA calls BS on MPAA (and why Mitch Kapor is awesome). Pr0nmaker takes RapidShare to court . Photoshop for Linux ?!! Mobile “expert” eats humble pie , kinda. Interview Josh Bernhard and Bracey Smith from PIONEER ONE . Shout-outs Steve Czajka on Posterous . Want a shout-out too? Tweet us, email us, DO SOMETHING!!1! Music Raccoon Bandit – “Same Old Boat ”

Episode 79 - How Did'Juno It Was AC's Birthday?

Anth apologizes for not tweaking the theme volume before uploading… too lazy to change it now for 60 seconds of levels being off a bit. Show Notes Just a plethora of media Dystractions this week, followed by… Full Dysclosure: Charlie Angus peddles his media levy at the Junos . It’s a Pirate Party of Canada party! Hang in there, Petrolia, Tony Clement hasn’t forgotten you . SaskTel’s CEO will soon be out of a job , probably. Tips & tricks for Opera Mini on your stupid iPhone . Has the iPhone’s competition caught up? Tomi Ahonen thinks so . Amazon (and sweatshops) coming to Canada. Music: Roach – Teabag

Episode 78 - Are We America's Bitch?

Show Notes Full Dysclosure UK’s Digital Economy Bill passes and will fail . Digital Economy Bill Strategy is also coming to Canada.Was there something wrong with CopyCon ? Fuck Hollywood; put your money to better use . Apple sucks sucks and sucks . Zomg, 3dees @ teh crawsrodez !!1! Huffington Post fans click here . Shout-Outs We <3 Slug is Doug .We’d <3 you too if you left us a comment! 😀 Musical Guest Paramedics – Emergency Response .

Video: Terry McBride of Nettwerk Records at TEDxVancouver

If only other music industry folk-types were as forward-thinking as Mr. McBride. It’s a start, right?

Episode 77 - Smothered By Bunnies

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Canada’s digital divide — how come country bumpkins can’t have the same shit service that urbanistas do? Love it or hate it (Currie hates it) the iPad is here — read fake Steve Jobs’ proclamation to the world , then check Monday’s post on Open attitude for a round-up of sobering second opinions on Apple’s latest appliance. Indie filmmakers behind mass bittorrent lawsuits — Uwe Boll is one of them. James Cameron: Fight online piracy with geegaws innovation . If you don’t like live comedy , you can always leave. Toronto Public Libraries to become gamers’ paradise ? Oscar Peterson statue to be unveiled in Ottawa on June 30th . Road trip, anyone? Music DUZHEKNEW – “It came out the other side, ok.”

Episode 76 - Lightfoot Shot First

Show Notes Full Dysclosure CRTC roolz — I mean, rules . 3D porn television comes to Canada . Whiners’ Guild of Canada momentarily distracts Michael Geist from ACTA. Techdirt picks up the slack. Breaking news: Canada’s Internet sucks . WTF is Canada 3.0 ? There’s a Don Cherry miniseries for some reason. Coach’s Corner’s coach still MIA from Score: A Hockey Musical cast. “At 7 pm a main hatchway caved in, and now I’m re-writing the lyrics …” Mobile Mashup Mobile data traffic surpasses voice worldwide . New shit spectrum up for auction. WIND Mobile sucks and blows . Useless Link of the Week Award Mashable: Zomg, Apple store is down !!1! Wait, now it’s back up.. Music Elvyn – “I guess I was wrong”

Episode 75 - The Return of Darth Vardy

Show Notes Full Dysclosure: Fair dealing but a tax on your BlackBerry ? Screw you and your twenty-five bucks .’s piss-poor journalism: Ah, zut! Warnings from France on piracy; Acupuncture spreads serious diseases (in Hong Kong ); TV viewers use Internet too — at the same time !!1! Ottawa is Oscar-worthy — Oscar Peterson , that is. Margaret Atwood joins cast of Canada’s Ishtar . Mobile Mashup: Google makes Nexus One available to Canada. Public Mobile launches network for the working man (and woman). Can location-based services get any hotter ? Any stupider ? Any better ? World’s best mobile browser widens its lead with two new versions . Sites of the week: Mike – Funny or Die Andrew – Mippin Anth – Twitalyzer Music: Everything Everything – My Keys, Your Boyfriend .

Episode 74 - Politricks

Just Anthony this week… and entirely his fault at that. Thankfully we had two interviews and a whole bunch of music in the can just for such an occasion. Show Notes Interview with Charlie Angus who talks about ACTA and his FB group ACTA: End the Secrec y. Interview with Mark Blevis who talks about MPs who tweet and what it says about them. Music From St. John, NB, Chris Shea with his song “Gone” From Toronto, ON, Make Me Young with their track “The Optimist”

Episode 73 - You Oscar, Me Grouch

Show Notes… Anthony is pissed off his new mic went for not due to a volume knob malfunction of his own design; pardon the occasional pop of the webcam mic which did yeoperson’s duty under adverse conditions. Full Dysclosure Wireless wonders and social media BS: Canada’s coming wireless free-for-all . WIND will buy out your ECF — WTF?!!1! (also see Andrew’s 2007 round-up of ECFs …) Rogers sees red , users see suck . Planes, trains and tethered mobiles . Oscar noms and other noms : A torrent of free SXSW tunes — actually, two of them . Canada can has Oscar gold ? A healthy Ontario economy is a danger to a healthy Ontario economy . Tony Clement talks WIPO (but not ACTA). Your weekly reminders that: Region-locking content doesn’t work; Digital locks don’t work; File sharing ain’t going anywhere soon. Sites of the Week: Anth – search all 137 years of Popular Science Magazine online Andrew – get a free email addy th...

Episode 72 - ACTApussy and the Code Organ

Show Notes Full Dysclosure Canada: Canada’s broadband [loading, please wait…] lag . Telefilm wants YOU! If you’re an American movie star , that is. Hey, it worked for Cronenberg … Canada can has video calling ? Rogers says “ me too ” to DRM-free mobile music store. How Canadian MPs use Twitter — well, they’re tweeting the budget , for starters.. The Shat in The Shit . The World: Who’s afraid of open source? IIPA is . Singapore (and others) quite happy to keep ACTA under wraps . 10 billion songs served to people who can’t figure out P2P. But those cheap iPods come at a price . No moar boobies on iPhone? O RLY ? Apps are crap , anyway. Facebook patents the news feed . Wait, what? Sites of the Week Anth – Stopp ACTA , okk? Andrew – LibraryThing Mike – C O D E O R G A N Music “Bolingbroke Road” by Silver Creek .