Episode 105 - Oh, Liver Spot Newton-John
As usual, this podcast is NSFW which stands for Not Safe For Work or No Soul For Wal-Mart.
Also, we’re trying to upload this podcast at a VBR of 56kbs to 96 to save download time. Let us know if you hear a difference.
EDIT: You will hear a difference as the two recordings we had were not ideal. Mine had a very low Shane and some other signal breaks. Mike’s had a very low Mike… on his mic…. As such, the result is heavily compressed to bring Mike’s mic up to a reasonable level while keeping us under clip levels. Apologies for not being at home – Anthony
… With returning guest Shane Birley!
Show Notes:
Dystractions & Dysertations
Note: Dystractions are posted as we find them on Facebook, Identi.ca (!!1!) & Twitter.
- Cool, Apple sells netbooks now. Shame they’re twice the price of everything else.
- OS X Lion can has full-screen mode, RAWR! In Linux, we press F11.
- New app store for OS X — because those stupid developers need to be kept on a short leash.
Is Apple afraid of Android? Sure sounds like it…
- Google’s official response.
- RIM, TweetDeck: “Fuck you.”
- P.S. Why is fragmentation a bad thing?
And a reality check:
- Google rakes in a billion from mobile ads? How is that even possible?
- Mobilicity’s Nexus One sells out in less than a day. And Mobilicity is coming your way!
“WiFi gives us headaches“, say students of asbestos-laden school with flickering fluorescent lights.
Stay classy, Wal-Mart…
Google is a narc.
- Banned from Laser Tag.
- Nail polish mogul.
- BFFs with Gordon Pinsent:
Jimmy-Jam Cameron goes 3D on Cleopatra.
Poor Officer Bubbles…
Charlie Angus introduces Parliament Hill to open source software.
Whatever happened to Silverlight? (Shane says it’s the backend for Seesmic now).
Big thanks to Campbell & Brown’s T-Shirt Town for making us some fabulous t-shirts to giveaway. (They’re based in Portland, Oregon – which is pretty much the closest city America has to Canada…in terms of awesomeness.)
Listen and learn…or just read here how you can get a mention. Leave a comment, mention us in a tweet, etc, etc. Then you get a shout-out. Yes, it’s that simple. All the cool kids are doing it!
Howdy to our Twitter pals, a #FollowFriday will be yours again this week.
And as always, much love to our chat room participants.
Dan Bull drops The Death of ACTA.
Some dude named Mandelbrot drops dead — fortunately Jonathan Coulton is there to enshrine him in song.
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