Episode 134 - Osama's Porn 'Stache
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Show Notes:
A Little Off The Top
- Netflix, Netflix, Netflix! Netflix in Canada, Netflix on Android (not yet in Canada). In other news, Netflix.
- Meet your semi-new Cabinet.
- Won't somebody think of the incumbent carrier and ISPs?!
- Byron Sonne makes bail, with a few restrictions. Now, a few questions for the cops & Crown.
- Stay classy, Facebook...
Tired Old Media
- Shut the fuck up about piracy and Go the Fuck to Sleep.
- Are arena/stadium tours passé? Pearl Jam Announce Canadian Tour.
- Kevin Smith will go on 'Red Province Tour' in Canada to promote 'Red State'.
- What happened, Lady Gaga? I thought you were cool.
- Yeah, this'll be awesome...
- Hollywood to wrestle control over the Internet, at least in the US & A.
- Meanwhile, Canadian copyright collective is demanding a tax on memory cards.
- RIAA gets $105 Million from LimeWire, artists get nothing.
- But what if the music industry's losses were lies?
- Add this to the many reasons why Currie hates the NHL. Also, it's ghey.
- New iMacs have proprietary hard drives, because hipsters don't care.
- Apple planning secret anniversary in-store event for May 19th. Is it a real Apple TV, or even better, the Dyscultured app for iOS?
- 99% of Android phones leak secret account credentials. Affects v2.3.3 and earlier.
- PlayBook users get a RIM-job.
- Will the Canadian Government break WIND? Atlantic provinces awaiting the news on pins and lobsters.
Probably Pew-Pew
- Bin Laden's porn stash found. So that's what the Photochop up top is all about...
- German TV news host confuses Star Trek logo for Navy SEAL emblem.
- Zomg, Linux terminal in your browser!!1!
- Amazon partly to blame for Sony hack, huh?
- Need stamps? There's an app for that.
- Boston Globe thinks Canada is anti-American for not voting in Ignatieff.
- Won't somebody think of the defeated MPs?!!
- Shania Twain needs therapy to heal -- ah fuck it, just read the rest here.
- Is Terry David Mulligen still alive...?
- The rise of Reddit. There goes the neighbourhood...
- Anth's pick this week: Laswell, with his track: "DNA Funkdafied Mix".
- Something to say? Leave a comment below.
- Tweeps and Identicans can hash a tweet/dent with the tag #dyscuss134.
- Or come hang in our irc channel anytime -- #dyscultured at zeronode.irc.net.
- The live chat for this episode has been archived here.
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