Episode 143 - R.I.P. Dudeface
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This week, Anth, Mike and Ryan Wiseman were joined by special guest Heather Gold of many things funny and webby, including another weekly live stream and podcast, TummelVision.
Canada's Broken Innernetz
- But if it's banned then where will Canadians watch cats playing pianos?
- So THIS is why Shaw's not worried about Netflix... (this additional link via @victriviaqueen)
- Canada's Marshall is back. And now that he's dead, he's revered.
- We sure are glad you did write this, Jesse.
- Better late than never? Not if you're a Canadian using the internet. Great work, Konrad!
- Spotify launches in the US, leaving Canada out in the cold yet again, right? Not so fast...
- We should be talking up the CanCon television we make. Cuz it's not as if we make any other kind, right? (via @alexblackie)
- After months of preparation, the cat is out of the bag...
- The biggest patent pending of all time? Or is it not pending anymore?
- A developing story about app developers that may end up with no development at all... (via @openattitude)
Positively Google
- A look at Google+ from within "The Circle of Trust".
- Turns out Google does have a spine, and it's Google+...
- But Anonymous may find a way to break that spine...especially since Google isn't playing nice with 'em.
The Outer RIM
- RIM Wi-fi PlayBook not out of play...yet.
- ...but RIM might be if they pursue more of this crap.
- Extra! Extra! Newspapers don't like things in black and white, especially when it comes to Google. (via @victriviaqueen)
- Cash and Carry: Killer cab seized by cops
- Mobilicity performs stunts for Canadian mobile users. (via @acurrie)
- I am Spartacus. Again. And again. And again.
- Until it comes in thumb drive form, here's what a zettabyte looks like (via @x96design)
- Ra Ra Riot - Ghost Under Rocks
- Something to say? Leave a comment below.
- Tweeps and Identicans can hash a tweet/dent with the tag #dyscuss143.
- Or come hang in our irc channel anytime -- #dyscultured at zeronode.irc.net.
Up Next
- Next week: The Return of The Currie (I wonder how many "notes" he has for us...)
- To submit story ideas for next week's show use the hashtag #dys144.
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