
Showing posts from May, 2012

Episode 188 - Serving up Casserole

( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble How the Internet works (AC edit), via this YouTube vid . Cana-duh Gay porn star speaks out on allegations that he killed somebody and stuffed their torso into a suitcase . Now with bonus Facebook Fan Page comments ! York U says “fuck you” to Access Copyright . C-11 debate leaves more questions than answers . Tired Old Media Astral green-lights assimilation into BCE . Skipping commercials is copyright infringement ?! Goin’ Mobile More bad news for RIM . A milestone for Android modders. It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews! Makes sense: Vatican now in bed with Microsoft . Currie called it: Facebook to buy Opera ? How Kickstarter hides its failures . URL shortener is now a social network — plus a word from Currie on tracking. Shout-outs Hahahahahahahaha, I don’t get it . Thanks to our retweeters , as well! Music Pooched right from Rathole Radio 76 , some dubstep for Darrel — The Corinthians , with their trac...

Episode 187 - Privacy is Dead

( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Vintage Paul O’Sullivan from that dreadful Comedy Now series . Thanks For The Memory RIP Paul . Cana-duh Québec protests: reddit and Tumblr (??) step up to do what English media can’t/won’t. Large swaths of Cana-duh are still a digital backwater . Priva-see Facebook sued over user tracking. Install the Dyscultured app to view this story . Twitter: To track or not to track ? Goin’ Mobile Canadian telcos secretly support lawful access . As of 2012, the most installed OS on the planet is no longer Windows, it’s Android . It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews! Conservatives ask court to dismiss Robocall review . Having a garage sale? You may be a terrorist . TED Talks have jumped the shark . The John Connor curse . Shout-outs Looks like we’ve got a new listener . Cool! Thanks to our retweeters , as well! Music Straight from blogTO’s Weekend Mixtape we’ve got RLMDL and their free track, Stargazer . Dyscuss...

Episode 186 - Sonne Days

( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Yes Men commandeer TPP event in Dallas . Cana-duh Byron Sonne cleared of all charges . C-11’s back on, with rejected amendments and limited debate . Khaki Pants Four reasons why Facebook IPO is “ muppet bait “. “.Pirate” domains now available, thanks to PPoC deputy . Tired Old Media Further proof that piracy is killing the movie industry . Buh-bye, Globe & Mail . Goin’ Mobile Of course, Currie was using a mobile wallet before they were cool… Bell Mobility faces $100 million class action suit over prepaid service . It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews! C-30 is dead . No it’s not . G-20 report slams police for trampling citizens’ right. Haven’t had a JoBlo link in a while… Great idea , will never happen. Shout-outs This tweet is all kinds of awesome. Thanks to our retweeters , as well! Music It’s Beyoncé for hipsters! This week we present The Elwins , with their cover of ...

Episode 185 - A Wild Rumpus

( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble Reddit co-founder Alex Ohanian tells CNN why he’s not buying Facebook stock . Priva-see FBI seeking to wiretap pretty much all social media . Twitter, at least, won’t comply without a fight . Cana-duh Qu’elle surprise… Tory computer has robo-call stuff on it . Those who don’t learn from the past are — wait, where’s our past ? Copyfight isoHunt to Canadian Court: “ Record labels a threat to open internets “. They can copyright people now…? Goin’ Mobile SMS no longer the biggest cash cow for carriers. Web 2.0 is dead. All hail the age of the mobile app . Thanks For The Memory RIP Maurice Sendak . Peace out MCA . It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews! ACTA is “ effectively dead “. TPP effectively on the ropes . Self-driving cars effectively here . London, 2012 effectively Berlin, 1936. Shout-outs No idea what this means (I’ve been away), but comments are always welcome....

Episode 184 - Organville

( direct link to mp3 ) The full show notes with links are available here  Preamble ● And just when you thought your neighbourhood was violent. (Or not.) Priva-see ● @victriviaqueen says Facebook wants your organs. ● But Google wants everything else. Copyfight ● Censor the web! No, really, it’ll be great! ● It’s all about the Pentiums and the rules and the stuff we all should know about. ● @jjarmasz says SOPA, so-good. ● @b0ngh1tt3r says if you want to get that movie a day after release in theatres? Yah, not to much anymore. Cana-duh ● Currie ain’t here. But Conrad Black will be. ● Cancel your cable, it is all about the Interwebs now! ● But @DecencyLegion and @ShockBuckPics remind us that you already did! ● LA Kings, you can suck it long and hard. Don’t forget a towel. Goin’ Mobile ● Go Nokia, go! ● Yah, forget it with those ideas of flexible virtual keyboards. ● IKEA goes mobile! Yah, I don’t care either. ● Maybe he’ll go to jail before you pay. #appleappleapple ● No love for you,...