Episode 188 - Serving up Casserole
( direct link to mp3 ) Preamble How the Internet works (AC edit), via this YouTube vid . Cana-duh Gay porn star speaks out on allegations that he killed somebody and stuffed their torso into a suitcase . Now with bonus Facebook Fan Page comments ! York U says “fuck you” to Access Copyright . C-11 debate leaves more questions than answers . Tired Old Media Astral green-lights assimilation into BCE . Skipping commercials is copyright infringement ?! Goin’ Mobile More bad news for RIM . A milestone for Android modders. It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews! Makes sense: Vatican now in bed with Microsoft . Currie called it: Facebook to buy Opera ? How Kickstarter hides its failures . URL shortener bit.ly is now a social network — plus a word from Currie on tracking. Shout-outs Hahahahahahahaha, I don’t get it . Thanks to our retweeters , as well! Music Pooched right from Rathole Radio 76 , some dubstep for Darrel — The Corinthians , with their trac...