Episode 185 - A Wild Rumpus
- Reddit co-founder Alex Ohanian tells CNN why he’s not buying Facebook stock.
- FBI seeking to wiretap pretty much all social media.
- Twitter, at least, won’t comply without a fight.
- Qu’elle surprise… Tory computer has robo-call stuff on it.
- Those who don’t learn from the past are — wait, where’s our past?
- isoHunt to Canadian Court: “Record labels a threat to open internets“.
- They can copyright people now…?
Goin’ Mobile
- SMS no longer the biggest cash cow for carriers.
- Web 2.0 is dead. All hail the age of the mobile app.
Thanks For The Memory
- RIP Maurice Sendak.
- Peace out MCA.
It’s Not News, It’s Pew-Pews!
- ACTA is “effectively dead“.
- TPP effectively on the ropes.
- Self-driving cars effectively here.
- London, 2012 effectively Berlin, 1936.
- No idea what this means (I’ve been away), but comments are always welcome.
- Thanks to our retweeters, as well!
- Fuck Viacom. We’ve got The Beastie Boys on The Chappelle Show — the audio, at least.
- Something to say? Leave a comment below.
- Come hang in our irc channel anytime — #dyscultured @ irc.zeronode.net.
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