About Dyscultured

Dyscultured is Canada’s irreverent news, tech and pop culture show. We skewer the latest news, tech and pop culture happenings north and south of “The 49th Parallel” in a weekly live show/chat/podcast. Each and every week we live by this mantra: Take no sponsors, take no bullshit, take no prisoners.


Anthony Marco

Born and raised in the shadow of Tim Horton’s Donut shops in The Hammer, Anthony has been plying his craft of wordsmithing and songwriting and waxing idiotic about the most insane things for several interminable years. His efforts at lovehatethings, while noble in gesture, have unfortunately made his ego as unmanageable as Todd Bridges’ career – ZING! – oh, too soon? He hopes that the calming influence of Mike Vardy’s Eventualist mantras will talk him down from the incessant ranting and raving and griping and sniping and…

Shane Birley

Shane Birley is a blogger, huge geeky nerd, web developer, poet, and creative writer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is a partner at Left Right Minds, a web development, arts management, business blogging and on line marketing company. He writes about other stuff at Shane’s World — the non-pr0n site one.


The man, the legend. You can find out more about MMD our ex-par-tee producer and host of the worst podcast on the Internet.

The Dyscultured Universe

That would be you.


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